Basketball scene and other scenes that didn't make sense
Ok so what's up with the basketball scene, why is he trying to get mugged and lose all his money? Is he super depressed about the relationship he has with his mom that he just wants to lose everything? Is Tony Roundtree actually a friend of Curtis' and has a poker game or did Curtis just make that up? And how in the world does Curtis just happen to find Gerry in a random casino at a random blackjack table, was that ever explained or was it obvious and I missed it? And wasn't Simone and Vanessa supposed to join Gerry and Curtis, didn't Simone agree to do that yet she never did? I did really enjoy the movie but there seemed to be a lot of things that didn't make sense.
Denzel,Leo,Damon,Norton,Gosling,Farrell,Leto,DD Lewis = best ever Beckinsale, Watts,Farmiga too =)