After seeing this, anyone else GLAD they are no longer in their 20s...?
While "F. Ha" was/is a well-made movie, most of the characters -- ESPECIALLY Frances -- were uncomfortable reminders of the artsy-fartsy-spooky-kooky types I knew while I was in my 20s. She seemed sweet but a major FLAKE that talked LOTS but said actually very little. Maturity-wise, she was 27 going on 17. And her friends weren't much better. [SPOILER ALERT] And the way she gets her **** together at the end was a little too good to believe.
Also, BANK MACHINES are EASY to locate in the NYC area -- nearly every corner store has one!
Finally, I've known a "Frances" or 3 in my time -- while they seemed "sweet" they were generally self-absorbed and/or irresponsible people.