
I'm afraid to give my opinion, because people on here will start the usual attacks. They can't handle opinions.

But seriously, wasn't this movie ... uuhhh .. let's just say .. uncharismatic to you ??


Read my other posts on this board and let me know what you think. A one-word criticism isn't enlightening.


I am not looking to enlighten anyone. A one word criticism sums up this movie for me. Like I said, you people cant handle opinions.
And before you begin your tirade ... I just appreciate intelligent movies that makes one reflect. This hippie movie has no originality whatsoever, and not only that , it is simply the epitome of annoying. The jokes, the sex talk, the entire dialogue. A piece of crap.

I moved on.

No need for you to reply. I am not reading any further.


My one-word summary would be "pretentious". Gerwig and Baumbach are experts at this as I've seen more of their films than I wish I had. It's all about being or saying something quirky and then cutting to another scene and being more quirky with quirky music and then cutting to another scene, ad nauseam. It's a cheap Woody Allen imitation except without the wit he brings to most of his films.

And yes, it's nice to watch a non-Hollywood film that's not about CGI or shootouts and what have you, but this is not the way to go either. But at least I can make fun of a big dumb Hollywood movie and still enjoy it. These type of films are just grating.

But of course it has a really high rating on IMDb, which doesn't surprise me because this is the kind of film a wannabe will slip into a conversation knowing full well most people haven't heard of and will go on about how different and great it is so they can appear smart and cultured for exposing whoever is listening to this hidden gem. Ugh. Give me an effing break.

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.


Immature dialogue and horrid acting. It was as if they were taking turns reading their lines off a teleprompter. Dreadfully morose and oh the childish jokes with no punchlines. !! I kept watching the movie in the hopes of getting to something substantial, there was absolutely nothing attractive about it!

You said it: a pathetic wannabe movie... for coming of age hippies.


Ah, the pretentious tag. I was waiting for that one!

What does it mean, then, when someone calls a film "pretentious"? Let's dissect it. What they really seem to be saying is this: "I didn't find meaning or enjoyment in this film, therefore anyone who claims to have found either or both is not telling the truth." And this boils down to the following syllogism: "I am an intelligent film viewer; therefore anyone who is also an intelligent cinephile will share my opinion of this film; anyone who doesn't share my opinion, therefore, isn't intelligent." A valid inference, no doubt, but hardly sound. This is because the whole argument hinges on one unavoidable fact: that by using the word "pretentious," one is implicitly assuming that they themselves are intelligent. And everyone knows that only dumb people think they're smart.

So hate on this film all you want. Say that you found the plot or dialogue predictable; say that you found the characters unsympathetic; say whatever the you want. But don't call his film or its fans "pretentious." Because that's just being lazy. And beyond that, it only makes you sound pretentious.


Pretentious is a legitimate term for this film (as is derivative). if you don't like the word, exchange it for affected.


It sounds like your the one who can't handle opinions.


Classic! LOL.

This is too funny.


Then why did you start a thread that says nobody can handle opinions? Are you the only one who can?


don't be afraid of giving your opinion. fvck people, if they can't handle it. it's their problem not yours.

this movie was utterly dreadful. even for a mumblecore film. I wouldn't say it's pretentious, just plain boring and dull.

Ten minutes into it & I wanted to stop watching it, but there was a part of me sayin' don't be so judgemental it might get better? -it didn't.


I know .. People can get pathetic ... It makes them feel better I guess
