MovieChat Forums > Frances Ha (2013) Discussion > Pretty good movie, but...

Pretty good movie, but...

My god, Frances was a horribly annoying character. Take, for example, when she was trying to get her new roommate to "play fight" as they were walking together. If an acquaintance of mine had done that to me, I don't think he/she and I would be acquainted anymore. Greta Gerwig played the role's just that she and Noah Baumbach created a character of nearly infinite annoyance.


Frances was 27 going on least that's the way it seemed. But GOLLY, wasn't she QUIRKY?!?

Ever see the Saturday Night Life bit "Bein' Quirky with Zoey Deschannel"? "F. Ha" was a feature-length version of that. (It's on if you've not seen it.)


I have seen it and, yes, it's a very good comparison, in my opinion.

I don't have a problem with people being fun-loving...everybody likes to have fun and, from time to time, be a little silly. But Frances' combination of flightiness, zaniness and flakiness, combined with the overwhelming quirkiness of it all, made her one of the year's most annoying film characters.



You mean... Frances was as annoying as you posting on imdb? Think of that!

Hamlet was very annoying too, and so was Macbeth. Othello, totally annoying. And don't get me started on Oedipus, Hedda Gabler, Alceste, Volpone, The Rev. T. Shannon, or Bernarda Alba.

All those hack writers.


I found that scene quite funny actually, but I understand where you're coming from. I think Frances was a pretty accurate representation of the young "hipster" of today, and that many of her behaviors were intended to be somewhat annoying. Have you ever read a Flannery O'Connor story? I don't think we're supposed to fall in love with every character we come across in literature and cinema, or else we'd never learn anything about ourselves.


That was her childish, desperate attempt to mold this new acquaintance into Sophie. She's in mourning over the loss of her soul-mate friend. I found it touching. Cringe worthy but oddly touching.
