MovieChat Forums > Frances Ha (2013) Discussion > Loved seeing Charlotte D'Amboise in this

Loved seeing Charlotte D'Amboise in this

Especially in a movie dealing a fair bit with the milieu of serious dance, it was great to see the marvelous Charlotte D'Amboise as the company director. She is still a dance and entertainment diva in her own right, and a worthy member of a family of dance royalty. I really liked her in this role, and would love to see her in more extensive screen roles. I really hope she'll go after and get further and more meaty roles in film and television.

Multiplex: 100+ shows a day, NONE worth watching. John Sayles' latest: NO distribution. SAD.


I know you probably won't see this mssg, but just in case: I'm binge-watching Law n Order, and she's very good in an ep from Season 11, which (coincidentally) I watched only hours before I saw FH. What a family!

Lovely clip of Jacques D'Amboise with Sheree North:

"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people."


That really is a treat, and I don't think I'd ever even heard of Sheree North, so thank you! Also nice to see Gordon MacRae so young and handsome, and sounding so good.

Interesting point someone brought up on that page, about no African-heritage guys being visible, from the time Ms. North enters the picture. Just a glimpse of one or two, as we see her legs exiting up the stairs, but otherwise, they all just disappear.

Multiplex: 100+ shows a day, NONE worth watching. John Sayles' latest: NO distribution. SAD.
