MovieChat Forums > Frances Ha (2013) Discussion > Did anyone else think Frances may have b...

Did anyone else think Frances may have been a latent lesbian?

She seemed totally obsessed and in love with Sophie. Also the references to her 'manly walk' and the whole thing of hiding behind the 'I'm undateable' routine and her admission of no sex with her previous boyfriend, no interest in Benji who looked like he wanted to get it on with Frances, her outbursts of jealousy at Patch, the whole bookshops in Paris scene; her dance mistress had a strong Lucinda Childs vibe about her... Plenty of signs thoughout the movie. She even at one point says to Sophie. 'We’re like a lesbian couple that doesn’t have sex,' - maybe subconsciously yearning for more out of the relationship.

I really expected the movie to end with her last apartment being in Park Slope, Brooklyn, full of cats with a girlfriend with glasses who's an community service manager and looks just like Sophie.


It is completely possible to love someone of the same sex, intimately, without the concept of sex entering into the relationship. If you haven't already done so, check out the story behind Gore Vidal's relationship with his partner, of 53 years, Howard Austen. Our culture and conditioning insists that we label the relationship, and it also insists that it must be sexual in nature when the sleeping arrangements are intimate. Frances loves Sophie. Period. And sex is not a prerequisite for the (intimate) relationship to exist or endure.


I think a lot of straight women in that position emotionally and intellectually toy with lesbianism.

I think most can’t get past the sex part and they never take it further. Some try the sex but find it unfulfilling.

The wise ones abandon the idea because they recognize that the idea is ultimately an escapist, reactionary cop out on personal growth and their own identity.

Of course, some actually do pursue a lesbian relationship, but it’s because they’re actually lesbians.
