MovieChat Forums > The Mummy (2017) Discussion > Thoughts on Mummy being a Woman

Thoughts on Mummy being a Woman

Are you happy to see they've changed the sex of the Mummy or would you have preferred it to still be a man.
For me, a female Mummy would work a lot better if all of the monsters cross over in one movie because the other monsters will definitely be male and it does get boring to see all male teams or all female teams.


No issue for me at all. Several factors:

1) "The Mummy" was never just one character. Imhotep may have been the original but there was also Kharis and Ananka.

2) Plenty of female mummies in other films and in literature. There's Ananka as I just mentioned, plus Queen Tera in Blood From The Mummy's Tomb, a Hammer film adaptation of a novel by Bram Stoker called The Jewel of Seven Stars.

3) Lots of vampires and werewolves are women with no complaint. Why should mummies be any different?

4) There are female versions of several of the classic Universal Monsters already. The Bride of Frankenstein. Dracula's Daughter. The Invisible Woman. There's no relation to Imhotep or Kharis here that we know of so why wouldn't Ahmanet just be "The Mummy"?

5) It's not a genderbent version of Imhotep or Kharis. She's her own character.

Warning! The Monster is loose!


This pretty much sums it up. ^^^


I literally don't care one way or another. Also the original Mummy movie had a male and a female mummy. So there's no reason for this to even be discussed.


Considering women are the destroyers of civilizations, I'd say it's pretty fitting.


Yes. A lot of powerful women in that era. Nice change up from the Sommers version. Just hopefully she's a bad ass


Those women were powerful because they used sex appeal as a manipulative tool. Women both then and now lack physical power and rely on coercing men to enforce their will which precisely how the likes of Cleopatra and others wielded such immense power.

The female mummy is not really an's the loss of the horror elements in favor or an action movie with CGI is the primary problem here.


VERY bad idea. I get the terminator 3 vibes all over again. Women make really crappy and unconvincing baddies. I give this movie a pass.


Exactly. Don't forget how terrible these lot were: Enchantress from suicide squad, female terminator, Talia al Ghul, and everyone except Nurse Ratchet.


There's a few good ones. I thought the Borg Queen was good in Star Trek First Contact. Female cartoon villains also work better as well for some reason. There are also some good henchwoman characters who act as sidekicks for the main villain.


You've never seen Manchurian Candidate, have you?

Geek Girl🐉


I don't give a $hit about that. I have more problem with the actual reboot idea.


Why when it's been a part of the Mummy's history since early on in film days


Is it a reboot, though? This isn't Imhotep, it's a different Mummy, so really, it's just a new movie in the Mummy franchise.


No, it isn't. It's an unoriginal idea with purpose to cash in on already established franchise made in 1999, and in 30s. And FYI, I am perfectly aware of the difference between "reboot" and "remake" which is exactly what you're trying to turn this conversation into by saying it isn't reboot. However that doesn't apply when both of us know what I mean.

It's a new movie, but pretends previous ones doesn't exist by therefore not making it as continuation of the previous ones. I've had it with these remakes.


I have no problem with it because this isn't Imhotep, it's a different Mummy. Dunno why anyone would have a problem with it being a female, after all, there were females who were mummified.


I don't like it, but it doesn't bother me either. Plenty of mummies were women, it's a very logical choice. My problem in general is that it's not an actual proper mummy, fully wrapped, and shambling around like a ghoul. If they're gonna remake the classic Universal monsters, I wish they'd take a more classical approach.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


fully wrapped, and shambling around like a ghoul.

Original was never like that, that came a bit later with the Lon Chaney series and then Hammer did it eventually.
