kitkat8562 (Sat Oct 11 2014 19:23:16)
No she didn't...
Actually, you did p*ss on my point and directly contradicted it, so you do need to 'defend your position' and not just with literal dialogue. The 'right to an opinion' is equal, but the quality and validity of opinion is not.
You haven't answered a single one of my questions. Those questions are posed in Socratic form to allow you to arrive at the conclusion yourself. Failure to address or answer those questions is an answer in itself.
Everything in movies is there for a reason, especially a thoughtful one like 'The Rover'. The action was over, we saw former military man Eric shoot and kill the three men who killed the Vet's companion. Yet, the scene with the stacked cages of submissive dogs was included. Why? Eric is watching these creatures, abandoned and betrayed by the one thing they loved and thought loved them, stacked on top of each other and penned in a back room of a house, just waiting for their final day. And the very next scene after that involves Eric arrested and facing 'shipment to Sydney' where he would presumably be warehoused in a prison cage for the rest of his days, abandoned and betrayed, just like the dogs. That is why he preferred to be shot, instead of shipped to Sydney. And why he was so surprised when Rey came to rescue him, at great personal risk to himself, unlike the dog owners.
You seem to think it would hurt your pride to consider another interpretation than the one you had on initial viewing. It is one thing to disagree and state your "opinion", but when you do you should have thought it through and be able to substantiate and discuss it. You haven't done so.