Did the movie have distribution and marketing issues?
Here I am, thinking about this wonderful movie.
I remember last summer, coming out of the movie theatre thinking how this movie is sure to make waves.
Now, half a year later and this film pretty much feel into obscurity. This really baffles me. I was speaking to a Guy Pearce fan the other day and she never heard of it.
Does anyone know what the real issue was, with the total lack of exposure? Besides saying "the film sucked". I mean, cheap horror film sequels and guilty pleasure action movies make at least a few millions, easy.
Featuring very strong acting, my favorite soundtrack of the year (followed by Gone Girl OST) , a minimalist revenge tale told with skill, I fail to understand how this went by so silently.
Even more frustrating that it's open ended, with a character I want to see more of, in a world I found captivating.
A lack of financial revenue won't affect the quality of the movie, but it can affect the director's future, who I think is a great talent.