Everyone who dislikes this movie seems to be stupid...
I know it sounds like a troll title, but reading through the comments here has convinced me that it's true. I didn't even like the movie that much, but the people getting hung up on the ute at the start not getting 'damaged enough' or that Eric's character was 'behaving stupidly' are really missing the point - not just of this movie, but perhaps of all movies in general.
Do people really have to be spoon fed every aspect of the film these days? Is this generation of movie watchers so immersed in their self-centered culture that, after the murder of three human beings, they're left whinging because 'the characters didn't stop and loot the camp!'? Has our ability to emphasize fallen so low that we no longer even see the character on the screen, but instead see ourselves and can only scoff 'Pff, I wouldn't have behaved like that!' instead of absorbing the deeper message of the human condition being conveyed?
It's really quite disheartening.