Pierce's Reasoning is 3 very different Symbols/Metaphor (HEAVY SPOILS)
When I saw it the first time, I admit my brain couldn't grasp what was meant by the very final scene-- the reasoning behind the MacGuffin-- as I felt cheated. I admit that I missed the point. As it was either symbolic of the character, or is supposed to make you still feel cheated for a greater point. The beauty is if you think about it properly, it can work in both ways, and will help you like the film more, especially if you didn't get the ending at first.
1-- For Characterization-- Pierce's character was simply fighting for a symbol of the last vestige of his past, a time when he was happy and the world wasn't chaotic.
2. Characterization #2--- It was simply a symbol of his honor and pride, that still resides in mankind even in the worse of times.
Note: The first two are very sentimental. I side with the below, because that fits the bleak tone of the film.
3. The ending scene may reveal Price's Reasoning, but still wisely makes you feel cheated.
Why? You ask. Well.........
Quite simply: humanity in the world has reached a nadir when Pierce's reasoning is revealed. Human life is nothing more than what is in the trunk. And all this killing is indeed pointless.
In Conclusion: These 3 ways could all be correct. Myself, I like the 3rd choice, because it feels the most powerful and metaphorical, and clever how it is a reveal, but, not really.
I think it's simply brilliant of the director to reveal what he was searching for, but make all of us viewers think of what is meant by that scene. Since it's not explicit at all.