Very impressed

I really enjoyed this film, and I feel like they did a great job accurately portraying what happened those 4 days (or at least what was reported that happened).
I've always been really interested in the JFK assassination, and to see the story from the "other side" is really neat. People don't really stop to think about what the doctors, nurses, secret service, etc. went through.

The acting was great and the film was very interesting. They played the story out really well, and it was really good. If you're interested in the JFK assassination at all or want to learn more about it, I recommend watching this.


Me, too.

I thought it would be just another Political film - TBH, I wasn't even really sure what the movie was about until my husband rented it and I looked it up on IMDB - but I was so wrong!

I really liked the angle they took, showing the other side of it. I held my breath during the whole assassination/hospital scene.

I also liked how it paralleled Oswald's death to Kennedy's death. How ironic was it that the man who assassinated Kennedy was assassinated himself? In the end, I felt for Oswald's family (not Oswald himself, mind you) - regardless of what that man did, he still left behind family members who loved him.

Overall, it was a solid movie.


"Could you please get your head out of your ass? It's not a hat!" - Pitch Perfect
