MovieChat Forums > Parkland (2013) Discussion > Just watched on STARZ

Just watched on STARZ

Fascinating film dramatizing what happened from what we only read about. The chaotic trauma room at Parkland as they were trying to save the Presidents life. The story of the Zapruder film from the time it was taken as Secret Service and FBI escorted Mr Zapruder as the film was developed. I never knew that there was a chance the film could have been ruined in the developing process. Think about the fragility of the film and the only record of the assassination. The media trying to get the rights to the film. The $150,000 paid by Life was a huge sum. Over $1 million in today's dollars. Probably the most money the media has ever paid for footage or photos of an event or person. Never knew the story of Oswald's brother. He was forgotten man in Oswald's family. The news always focused on Oswald's wife and mother. Was aware of the medical examiner who didn't want to release the body and the problem with getting the casket onto Air Force One. How hard they tried to save Oswald's life at Parkland. I believe if the Dallas Police, Secret Service and FBI had more time they would have eventually got the truth out of Oswald. Finally Oswald's burial and how no one from Dallas wanted anything to do with it.

The movie JFK was better but for the most part a work of fiction unless believe all those ridiculous conspiracy theories. I was 12 year's old when JFK was assassinated. I read most of the conspiracy books and watched TV shows dealing with it. I think the simplest explanation is truth.


I'm so sorry this fascinating little film couldn't have gotten decent distribution. It's not so much about the assassination, but about how the murder of Kennedy affected the lives of so many people.
