MovieChat Forums > Parkland (2013) Discussion > What Parkland DOESN'T tell you……..

What Parkland DOESN'T tell you……..

1)Oswald was given a paraffin test and the result was negative which means he DID NOT fire a rifle that day.
2) The telescopic scope on the rifle was so badly misaligned that even an expert couldn't have fired accurately with it.
3)The FBI's best marksmen could never duplicate the shooting.
4)Mortician Tom Robinson along with ALL the Doctors at Parkland saw an exit wound in the BACK of JFk's head,
meaning he was shot from the front.
5)Nurse Audrey Bell described 4 fragments removed from Governor Connally each the size of a match head. These could not have come from the Magic Bullet. Therefore, there was a fourth shot, and a second gunman.


1)Paraffin tests really hold no meaning other than to intimidating suspects. For the most part such tests are extremely unreliable. As per John McAdams site:

Before the assassination, the FBI had conducted experiments showing the unreliability of paraffin tests. FBI expert Cortlandt Cunningham testified to this in front of the Warren Commission (3H487):

And 17 men were involved in this test. Each man fired five shots from a .38 caliber revolver. Both the firing hand and the hand that was not involved in the firing were treated with paraffin casts, and then those casts treated with diphenylamine. A total of eight men showed negative or essentially negative results on both hands. A total of three men showed positive results on the idle hand, but negative on the firing hand. Two men showed positive results on their firing hand and negative results on their idle hands. And four men showed positive on both hands, after having fired only with their right hands.
It is evident that false positives and false negatives occur with the revolvers. After the assassination the Warren Commission directed the FBI to run the same experiment using the C2766 rifle and ammunition which was identical to what was found in the Texas School Book Depository. Cunningham related the results of that experiment (3H494).


2)as to the scope being defective, no one knows WHEN that scope became defective - I could've happened when he was stashing the weapon. Also, he could've also used the iron sights on the rifle as well. Fact is ballistics evidence states the rounds and cartridges that were recovered were fired from THAT RIFLE.

3)As far as "FBI's best marksmen could never duplicate the shooting":

Warren Commission: The accuracy of this statement depends on the “time frame” considered relevant for this testing of the assassin’s ability to fire three shots, two of which hit the president and the governor. If the second shot missed, the maximum time frame for the three shots would be 4.8 to 5.6 seconds. If either the first or the third shot missed, the assassin would have a time frame of 7.1 to 7.9 seconds. [Based on later studies of the Zapruder firm as reflected in Bugliosi’s discussion of this issue, the available time was 8.4 seconds.] Three expert marksmen were used to fire three shots with the assassination rifle at targets placed at distances of 175, 240, and 265 feet. None of the marksmen had any practice with the weapon except for exercising the bolt for two or three minutes on a dry run. Each fired two series of three shots. One of the three marksmen fired the three shots within 4.6 and 5.15 seconds – under the maximum time if the second shot had missed. The second of the shooters had times of 6.75 and 6.45 seconds; and the third had times of 8.25 and 7 seconds. All three of these shooters were able to fire the rounds within the time period which would have been available to the assassin if either his first or third shots had missed. (WC Report, 193-94)

House Select Committee: By 1978, when the committee completed its investigation, it was generally accepted that the first of three shots fired by the assassin did not hit the limousine or its occupants. Accordingly, the committee did not have to consider or discuss whether the assassin could accurately fire three shots within 4.8 to 5.6 seconds. As discussed above, the committee concluded that Oswald fired the two shots that hit Kennedy and Connally.

- See more at:

4)Not ALL of the of the Parkland doctors saw an exit wound on the back of Kennedy's head. In fact, their statements about the head wounds were contradicting one another.

"Tom Robinson, one of the four embalmers for Gawler’s Funeral
Home, described (in a rather vague 1977 interview) an orange-sized
hole “directly behind the back of his head” between the ears
(identified by Robinson as an ENTRY wound in a 1996 interview), and a
quarter-inch bullet hole in the right temple (identified by Robinson
as an EXIT wound in 1996) (HSCA Record 180-10089-10180, Interview of
Thomas Evan Robinson, January 12, 1977, pp.1–3; also ARRB MD 63; ARRB
MD 180, Meeting Report, Interview of Thomas E. Robinson, June 18,
1996, p.2).

"Robinson also claimed that a federal agent showed him a glass
vial, similar to a test tube, containing about ten tiny bullet
fragments removed from the president’s brain (only two were removed)
(ARRB MD 180, Meeting Report, Interview of Thomas E. Robinson, June
18, 1996, pp.1–2)." -- Vincent Bugliosi; Page 249 of Endnotes in
"Reclaiming History" (c.2007)

MD63 (ARRB):

MD180 (Page 3)(ARRB):

He also attributed the opening in the back of
the skull to the fact that "they (the autopsists) had enlarged" it to extract the brain.

For more on this discussion see:!topic/alt.conspiracy.jfk/enw6VSC21Sw

5)Nurse Audrey Bell did say that, in the 1970s to Harry Livingstone, and to the HSCA.

Of course, the best evidence is the testimony of Dr. Charles Francis Gregory, the doctor who removed the fragments, and who told a rather different story. Before the Warren Commission he described the fragments as “varying from five-tenths of a millimeter in diameter to approximately 2 millimeters in diameter, and each fragment is no more than a half millimeter in thickness. They would represent in lay terms flakes, flakes of metal.” And further, “They would be weighed in micrograms which is very small amount of weight. . . . It is the kind of weighing that requires a microadjustable scale, which means that it is something less than the weight of a postage stamp.”


You're right. That's not what the movie was about.
