MovieChat Forums > Parkland (2013) Discussion > It's like religionists and atheists

It's like religionists and atheists

I once was lost but now am found, was blind, but now I see.

The neverending story of the disagreement between those who know that President Kennedy was the victim of a conspiracy and those who know he was the victim of a lone assassin has, more and more in recent years, reminded me of the similar debate between those who know that Jesus was sent by an omnipotent, omniscient God and died on the cross for our sins and those who know there actually is no such god. (Or you can sub in any other religion's deity and set of beliefs.)
Each camp has their mountain of evidence, their pure, logical assessment of their evidence, and their disdain, sliding to vitriol, for the other bunch who are so obviously willfully delusional. The angrier among them slide all the way into the gutter at times, resorting to juvenile name-calling. The one bright note is that whilst religious differences have frequently ended in bloodshed of varying scales, to date, Jack Kennedy and Lee Oswald are the only known fatalities in this entire sorry saga.
To me, the myriad conspiracy theories look like the many denominations of a certain religion, with all believers in general accepting that yes, there is a God, but their agreements not going much further than that. It was obviously the CIA, no it was the Mafia, no it was the Joint Chiefs and LBJ, no it was Castro, no it was a guy in New Orleans, no it was... Oswald fired one shot, no he was a patsy, no he was... Ruby was this, Ruby was that...
As for me, I left religion behind when I realized how different they were while claiming they were true. They couldn't all be true. I studied them more and concluded none of them was true, though some had some pearls of wisdom and a few had some really nice music.
When my older brother read Mark Lane's Rush To Judgment and told me what it said and how it dissected the Warren Report, I was floored. I began looking into it myself and became a conspiracy convert, though I was always troubled by how the conspiracies all differed. They couldn't all be true, which told me that at least some of the CT believers have to be wrong. Years later, after watching Oliver Stone's JFK I had my epiphany. I re-examined the known evidence to which I had access, and this new Internet thingy helped out. New forensics examinations clarified things.
The simplest answer is usually the right one. It might seem messy and disturbing, but it really does appear that an emotionally and intellectually disturbed young man, having succeeded in nothing, obsessed with making a name for himself politically, learned the President of the United States was due to pass by his workplace in 2 days and seized his opportunity. With a highly functional rifle at hand, he used his Marine Corps training and got off two good shots. Two days later, another fairly useless person known for shmoozing with police officers, emotionally messed up from the events of the Friday before, slipped easily into the police garage and got off one easy shot.
But of course, I'm obviously a complete ___________ (insert favorite insult, season to taste).

I have seen enough to know I have seen too much. -- ALOTO


Conspiracies like 9/11,JFK,etc come from massive mistrust of a corrupt government and the belief that the government couldn't be this incompetent. The government is corrupt and incompetent. Just look at all the recent problems with secret service under Obama. He could have been assassinated already if anyone as dedicated as Harvey came after him with that agencies massive incompetence. With US becoming more of a police state that is corrupt and incompetent. The future will end up being quite bloody.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.
