This is one powerful Movie.
Streaming this right now, have seen it a few times before, it is a powerful Flick, performances are well-acted, it's one long a** Film, it has you intrigued as to what the hell is going on, some characters are more interesting than others.
I found Neeson, his mistress, Franco and his ex-wife to be the most interesting characters, their storylines were the most intriguing.
The depiction of the incest between Neeson's mistress and her father was messed up, but it was obviously metaphorical, why they went that route with that particular storyline i don't know, maybe they wanted to make it powerful which it was, but they could have chosen a different route about that circumstance.
James Franco was very unlikeable, but i think he was supposed to be, the bitterness about the ex-wife was depicted perfectly. I couldn't help but think that she should have been given a second chance to be in the child's life especially if the child wanted to see her which it becomes clear that he does.
The entire motion picture is crazy because they bring all these characters and their emotional storylines to us as viewers and then the film expects us to basically disregard all of that and look at it all as metaphorical.