"Functioning Alcoholic"

Is there such a thing?

I ask because Stassi loves talking about being a functioning alcoholic like both of her parents. Yeah, we see Stassi with a drink in hand more often then not, but she seems to never have had the issues from drinking that Katie and James have. Same with Kristen... other than sleeping with Jax, I don't recall much of the crap Kristen has Gotten over the years has been her drinking. And Jax? I think we'll agree his alleged drug use it the reason for so much nose work (the required cartalige from his ear) and he was drunk during sunglassesgate. I wouldn't call him functioning.


BOOM! bazooka joe. -Randy Barry of The Real World: San Diego


I can't think of a single time I've seen Kristen without a drink in hand. Katie and Stassi are almost as bad. It's no wonder they have gained a few lbs. All those carbs and sugar no bueno. Kristen at least works out on the regular.
There was that lame a$$ storyline with Shay and his pill popping but it probably should have been Jax (and others) drug use. I can think of one time when he was on something for sure.


Shouldn't the term be "functional alcoholic." These people can't get their AA terms right!


I think that theses kids think it's ok to be an alcoholic as long as they are working, making money, having fiendships, and keeping up a home. They are living for the now. Sadly the later will catch up with them and could have serious consequences. Jax is beginning to show the later effects with his appearance and sunglasses-gate. Next for him will be health issues. The kind a plastic surgeon can't fix.
