I don't think Scheana had a nose job
As someone who spent a good 3 years contouring hell out of my nose and jawline to give the illusion of a straight nose and defined jawline, before finally breaking down and getting last year and getting a full nose job and chin implant, I REALLY don't think she had rhinoplasty. I think her face looks different for loosing MORE weaight and a makeup artist teaching her how to get a more flattering nose. She didn't have an ugly nose before, but it does look better now.
There is a fairly new procedure here in LA in which a surgeon injects filler into the small parts called a "liquid nose job." It is done while your awake like Botox and lip filler, and dicipates after about 9 months. If Scheana did have any work down, I don't think it was anymore than a hint of filler to slightly change her nose.
BOOM! bazooka joe. -Randy Barry of The Real World: San Diego