MovieChat Forums > Vanderpump Rules (2013) Discussion > James - Makes me cringe and embarrassed ...

James - Makes me cringe and embarrassed to be British.

This has become a show I now only dip in and out of.

Season Four has only just started airing over here and I find this little prat makes me cringe the moment he opens his mouth.

Daddy was a Manager for the 80's group Wham. So little James really doesn't need a job.

All this is to get his "D.J." career under the spot light. As his God Father is George Michael, I would have thought he should have plenty of assistance to hand.

However, he chooses to make a complete and utter arse of himself on a show full of similarly egotistical and vacuous air heads.

His attempt to copy the "You'll never have this" lines, pinched from Two and a Half Men - "A Lung Full of Alan" (brilliantly delivered by Paget Brewster) made me want to heave into a sick bag. I trust he never tries to act.

Most British people are not like this.

James just happens to be a spoilt wanker who has no manners and a brain the size of a M & M, which rolls around in that empty vessel of a head.

Apologies for inflicting him on the USA.



And we apologize for Trump.


^^^. Thanks for my heartiest laugh of the day. I buffawed!!




And we apologize for Trump.

Great! Now who's apologizing for Hilary?πŸ˜€


The rest of the world seems to be more disgusted and worried about Orange Hitler.


Hitler and a woman being investigated by the FBI..again. What fun.


I'm not into conspiracy theories, but you're welcome to apologize for her if you like.


I realize this thread is about Vanderpump Rules and the little weasel, James. However, I must protest at the comparison made that Trump is anything like Hitler.

The Holocaust is one of the most, if not the most horrific stains on human history. To lightly compare any man living to that monster, Hitler, is not to recognize the millions of souls who perished at the hands of that mad man and his minions. It will always be too soon to make such a comparison or speak lightly of that nightmare. No matter if you support Trump or not, nothing he thinks, says or does can equal that tragedy.

Kindly do not protest or tell me to lighten up. It's just not funny and it never will be.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Wow, Darla. I whole-heartedly agree with you. They did the same thing to Bush, Jr. I don't think they realize how ignorant they sound. Bush and Trump are not half the evil a-hole Hitler was.


Move along:


We should apologize for Hitlary KKKlinton

"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".


I'm not into conspiracy theories, but you're welcome to apologize for her if you like.

The KKK are supporting Trump, so you seem to be confused, but your confusion is not surprising at all.


I hate it when politics leak onto these boards, but, Will Quigg, The Grand poobah of the KKK, actually supported Clinton, and donated $20,000 to her campaign. There are photos of them together online.
God I'm so glad the election is over..... 😫


You're welcome to apologize for her if you like.


And you're welcome to not speak for everyone when you say, "we apologize for Trump". I sure as hell don't apologize for Trump. Make your own damn apologies.

Move along:


If you have any sort of conscience and/or intelligence, you should be embarrassed about him. And you're welcome to STFU and stop following and bullying me.



Yeah, that's not bullying language at all.... ξ€›

You're barking up the wrong tree because I never supported or liked Hillary. As I said in my other response to you - If you want to call me a liberal or leftist for not accepting homophobia, that's very misguided and also just incorrect. A person doesn't need to have a political agenda to believe in human rights. Since you care so much about it, I'm actually a political nihilist. I don't believe any of your (all inclusive to all sides, not just specifically *your*) bullshi+ government stuff works and it's mostly pointless. I'm just an observer in this mess and I've witnessed your conservative side take part in much more bullying. If you haven't seen it, then you aren't paying attention or you're blinded by your own confirmation bias. Or just really unintelligent.

I'm embarrassed for you, but that, and pity, is the only thing I feel for you.


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This message has been hidden because the poster is in your ignore list: catonryewithmayo

Just so there is no misunderstanding that I am "bullying" Miss Hypocrite, catmayonaise, I put her on ignore.

I wouldn't want her to get her wittle feelings hurt and have to run to her safe space to color or play with play dough. 

Move along:


I don't know who catmayonaise is.

My feelings were never hurt. They still aren't. You are incapable of making me feel anything but pity toward you. You accused me of bullying someone while acting many times worse toward me. So, that just makes everyone think that you don't understand what the word "hypocrite" means.

You can't have a coherent and civil conversation, so you run away and hide. Who, exactly, needs a safe space? What was that about hypocrisy again?

I'm sorry if I made you cry; that was never my intention. With the way you attack people, I didn't realize you were so sensitive and delicate.


God I'm so glad the election is over.....

Yay! We finally agree on something, Julie! I, too, am so glad the election is over.


Move along:


He is an awful awful eye sore to watch his rude antics. Inside he is a fragile insecure person.

I just found out he is back this season and I am upset at it. I hope he at least can shut up some this reunion.


Although he always provides over the top antics, which are great fodder for these boards, he's not exactly one of my favorite ppl to like.
