Ariana looks different

In previous seasons, she looked very haggard. Her skin was getting loose and her eyes were very beady. She looked like she was 40 years old. Now she looks refreshed. Her eyes look more open and skin looks tighter and less wrinkled. I know she gets facials and maybe laser treatments? Did she get an eyelift or is wearing fake eyelashes? Don't really know but she went from looking haggard and 40 to looking refreshed and her age. Even in flashbacks you can really tell the difference.


40 year olds do not look "haggard" How many 40 years old do you know? I'm guessing you're 20 or something. But most people at 40 look about the same as they did when they were 30 , with maybe a few more grey hairs or something.

"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".


I agree with the OP, whether she looks 40 or 30, she looks good. She is also smiling which is a first for her and she is not complaining.
