I hated reliving Orlando

As a resident of West Hollywood, I can honestly say I never felt more unsafe than I did following what happened in Orlando. I was so terrified for my friends who are gay and work or go to gay bars all the time, and pride day this year was just a downer because we were all just waiting to hear about a copycat crime here in WEHO. This episode was so sad, and as much as I hated reliving it, it was a reminder of those who lost their lives.

I am by no means saying everyone has to agree about LGBT, but I wish this kind of hate wouldn't happen to anyone. It is so sad that that gay people are subjected to violence all the time, and one of the only places they felt accepted was ruined by some maniac. Heartbreaking to know so many people were killed, hurt, and lost loved ones. I cried during this episode.

BOOM! bazooka joe. -Randy Barry of The Real World: San Diego


Agreed very sad indeed. I was so proud of LVP getting on that bus and showing her support even tho she had heard about someone who wanted to copycat the event.


I live about 5 miles away from Pulse so am going past it often and have been in the ER the Pulse victims went to twice in the past few months. Living in Orlando there are constant reminders of it. Personally I had mixed feelings about the episode. I really liked that they showed what was going on during pride on the other side of the country but I felt like people acting like they were scared to go to work and were all broken up, were for a free day off work and attention, especially with this group of people on the show. I really didnt buy their crocodile tears.

One thing that has really upset me is all the videos on places like yt which I know come out every time things like this happen, calling it all fake. Saying no one died and it was all crisis actors. Those people piss me off so much and are kinda the reason things like this continue to happen. It is really hard to change the world when so many people wont even acknowledge the bad things that happen.


Everyone should be nervous! Supposedly gun nuts are stockpiling arms just in case "their rights" are taken away! Real idiots!  

- - http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/fiero425.html - - homepage


We have a right to bear arms. Its part of our Constitution. We have a right to defend ourselves. They are not "idiots" its common sense.

"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".


You have to be an idiot to believe our Congress is motivated to even change the Constitution; depending on 3/4 of the country agreeing before that! We haven't had a significant change in decades so you gun nuts can blow all your money on gunpowder, rocket launchers, and other means of destruction and death! Be my fk'n guest!  

- - http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/fiero425.html - - homepage


He's the repressed weird gun hoarding type who would probably pull a shooting like this and then say he was just defending himself from the gay agenda. I remember him making offensive comments when this incident happened.


Whenever I heard "my right" concerning guns, my eyes just glaze over! Hard to believe knuckleheads are still measuring their manhood by how big their guns are to this day!  

- - http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/fiero425.html - - homepage




I would never wish anything like the Orlando shooting on anyone. Who do leftists always put people who believe in the 2nd amendment in the same category as mass shooters?

"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".


Why do idiots always think that anyone who doesn't agree with them is a leftist?


Because often times, Leftists often bully people into what they want. That is why Andrea Buccelli can't sing at Trump's inauguration. His liberal fans made threats to him. He had to cancel.

"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".


BOO HOO. Your side is the one that loves to bully. No one is bullying you, so quit trying to nail yourself to a cross and take your agenda elsewhere.


This subject is much too intense to be discussing on the Vanderpump Rules message board. There is more to it than anyone on here is willing to admit or mention.

In a nutshell: The problem isn't gun owners practicing their constitutional right to bear arms, it's radical Muslims, or Muslims pretending to be "Americanized", carrying out acts of terror on innocent people in allegiance to known terror organizations. It is about American Muslims using our own laws against us and becoming radicalized by Muslim extremists. Mateen pledged allegiance to ISIS before carrying out the attack on the gay nightclub.

If it wasn't so disturbing, it would be amusing how you all are dancing around what should be totally obvious. Call a spade a *beep* spade already. Omar Mateen, the shooter, was a Muslim terrorist - not a law-abiding American gun owner just "practicing his right to bear arms'. Have any of you done any research on the Orlando shooter and his questionable violent past? It's apparent he was a terrorist. The Pulse shooting was an act of terror, not the act of a law-abiding gun owner.

I'm really sick of *beep* hypocritical Liberals/Progressives bullies and their delusional BS of twisting facts to support their authoritarian agenda. You dare classify all gun-owners as "crazy" or "idiots", but no one better dare classify all Muslims as terrorists. You're hypocrites.

Maybe it's just me, but all the gun owners I know (myself included) don't go on shooting rampages at Gay Bars. We're also not religious zealots. Just sayin'.

Also, who the hell are you, catmayonaise, to tell anyone to take their "agenda elsewhere"? You don't own these boards and Rva has a right to his opinion just as much as you. Are you upset because he's right and mentioned actual fact? Liberals are bullies. It is a well-known fact that Liberals are bullies. Did you miss the passed election? Are you really going to deny you're a Leftist bully? What do you call telling someone you don't agree with to "take their agenda elsewhere"? You're one to *beep* talk, by the way.

Show some respect to our rights to Free Speech and to bear arms. Tolerance isn't a one-way street. And you're unwillingness to participate in an actual dialogue and just dictate where someone should go makes you a bully.

Move along: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XleOkGsYgO8


Your response is cute, but you're grossly uninformed. Are you new around here? RvaBread always makes comments all over IMDb about how gays are evil, and when the incident happened, he made comments about it being his god's punishment and that people basically deserved that when they sin according to his cult. Most of his comments usually get deleted by administration because they are highly offensive, but maybe you can find some if you look around.

I don't care if people have guns. My response was to the other poster because of RvaBread's highly offensive comments about the "gay agenda" and them deserving to be punished in the past. He made a lot of reprehensible comments when this incident happened. Do you share his beliefs? If you do, it's probably not healthy for you to watch shows on Bravo either. As far as "agendas" go, that word is only used with RVABread because he constantly talks about the gay agenda, etc....
Pay attention.

I know gun people are super delicate and sensitive about anyone bringing up their guns and love to make big scenes about it, but I really could not care less, so you might want to try that one with someone else.

I classified RvaBread as an idiot, because he has shown himself to be one on countless occasions. I'm not sure why you took that so personally. You should probably look into that.

If you want to call me a liberal or leftist for not accepting homophobia, that's very misguided and also just incorrect. A person doesn't need to have a political agenda to believe in human rights. Since you care so much about it, I'm actually a political nihilist. I don't believe any of your (all inclusive to all sides, not just specifically *your*) bullshi+ government stuff works and it's mostly pointless. It's also ironic that you mention hypocrites. I'm just an observer in this mess and I've witnessed your conservative side take part in much more bullying. If you haven't seen it, then you aren't paying attention.

Your friend, RvaBread, is a sexist, racist, homophobic, cultist/religious zealot. So, maybe you shouldn't associate with him if you don't want to be seen the same way. You're defending the indefensible. Show some respect to yourself.


For $hits and giggles, here's a recent example of him talking about his "gay agenda" that is very tame compared to some of the stuff he's posted:

Re: Was he sexually abused as a boy?
image for user RvaBread22
by RvaBread22
» 2 hours ago (Tue Dec 27 2016 15:10:56) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since May 2013
Most homosexuals are molested. Its not uncommon. That is how gays work. They can't reproduce so they must recruit. Its kind of sad in a way.

"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".

Again, that's a very tame example.


RvaBread22 is the exact sad example of what happened in Orlando. The shooter had a deep seeded hate for who he was and because of that hated the community that embraced it openly. While not as extreme RvaBread22 lashes out and says disgusting things due to his own self hatred. Say what you want but this is painfully obvious.


If any of that were fact rather than pure speculation. I believe Rva would be more extreme in his views and not post things like:

Re: I hated reliving Orlando
image for user RvaBread22
by RvaBread22 » 5 days ago (Fri Dec 23 2016 10:42:43) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since May 2013
I would never wish anything like the Orlando shooting on anyone.Who do leftists always put people who believe in the 2nd amendment in the same category as mass shooters?

"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".

I'm not Rva's friend. I just don't like gossiping bullies and believe in Free Speech and the right to bear arms. That is painfully obvious.

By the way, you failed to mention one key factor in the Orlando shooting. The fact Omar Mateen was a Muslim TERRORIST. Why are you acting as if that is irrelevant?

Move along: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XleOkGsYgO8


The hypocrisy that has been brought to light because of the recent election is astounding. It doesn't matter if I'm left, right, green or anything!! Basic human rights are basic human rights and denouncing and bashing somebody's sexuality is bullying!! If RvaBread22 wants to constantly talk about the sexuality of others then I believe that opens up the conversation about his own.

With postings such as...
"The Bible is a historical text, and the true inspired word of God. Homosexuality is an abomination."
..this doesn't make Rva a gossiping bully?

Also, true the shooter did pledge allegiance to Allah and isis prior to the shooting... although there was no evidence linking him to the organization as he was American born. This again aids my point in that religious extremism is an incredibly dangerous and terrifying idea. And NO ONE should allow their religion (whether it be Atheism, Christianity, Islam etc.) take precedence over being a kind, understanding and accepting individual.

Live and let live


Also, why is it that whenever a radical christian terrorist shoots up an abortion clinic or a school or whatever, they are referred to as a troubled individual, but whenever anyone with darker skin commits a crime Islam is blamed? People can't have it both ways. You can't blame one religion for everything while exalting another and pretending that no evil is ever done in that religion's name.

I'm an atheist, so I have no favorites here. It just makes it really easy to see the hypocrisy in the situation, but it's also hard to understand why people feel like they need to attach to something to be decent humans.



That is very baseless argument. I am a live and let live person, but in my heart I don't agree with homosexuality. People's sexual stuff is their own business, not mine. But I don't believe churches or businesses should be forced to compromise their moral/spiritual beliefs. Nothing I have said is hateful. Its based According to the word of God to practice homosexuality is clearly an abomination. That is what God called it. I believe that to be true. We can pray for the homosexuals to be delivered from their deviant lifestyle.

"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".


Agree, tar, and thanks. The stuff he says is disturbing and when people don't stand up to it, we enable his actions and who knows what he does outside of these boards. I know some of his "music" was banned from some stores in his area for being racist.


These are lies.

1. I never said homosexuals deserved Orlando shooting
2. My music was never banned anywhere
3 . I don't agree with militant homosexual agenda- if people want to be homosexual that is their business, not mine. I just don't agree in forcing churches to agree, or making someone bake a cake for a gay wedding, and then throwing a law suit at them when they don't comply.

If anything the militant homosexuals and Muslims are much more in line in their thinking.

"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".


Just because your posts get deleted doesn't mean that they didn't happen. I'm sure I'm not the only one who remembers you making horrible comments.

There is no militant homosexual agenda, but I know I'm not the only one who is sick of your militant cult agenda on these boards.


I never wished death upon anyone. Maybe someone misquoted what I said or rewrote what I said. But I never said it was God's doing . I do believe certain lifestyle choices invite things. But that is a separate matter.

"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".


But I never said it was God's doing

Well, that's because a human did it.

I do believe certain lifestyle choices invite things.

Such as?
