Why Katie is mad at Lala

This video:http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/katie-maloney-reacts-to-lala-kent-crush-on-tom-schwartz

Donald J. Klump, "Tremendous" Liar:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQ7_bo74VMA


Eww that tongue thing was awful.


Wasnt able to watch the video, but by reading it, I dont get why she;'s mad at LaLa still.


She didn't like Lala from day one, so it has nothing to do with Tom. That's a BS reason. Katie is completely jealous of Lala from head to toe.


It's obvious that Lala is quite talented using her tongue to get what she wants!


There is a difference between not caring or socializing with someone because they said they wanted to screw your fiance versus basically harboring ill feelings and loathing that human being. This obsession Katie has with not liking Lala is beyond and more. Her hatred goes deeper and farther for no apparent reason other than envy. I agree with you that I believe JEALOUSY is key here.

It explains why what Lala does and how she came to have been so fortune with materialistic things is such a huge issue with not only Katie but the others.

Accept what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be


I hope Katie looks back at the show 10 years from now and feel embarrassing shame looking like a lunatic "going off" on rants about someone that isn't even present!  "It's like 'my mind is blowing' in the wind!" Stassi just as bad! They can't live without minding other people's business! 😱 😰 😨

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Please you know Katie, Stassi and Kristen will never think anything they did is wrong. It truly is mid blowing how delusional those 3 are.


Katie isn't mad at LaLa she's really jealous of LaLa. I think LaLa also makes Katie very insecure. Over the last few seasons Katie has morphed into a dumpy, mean, bossy, dried up 30something who keeps her fiance in check by bullying her poor blue balled man into submission! I could be wrong who knows lol


I think you are spot on, sue!


  

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