MovieChat Forums > Vanderpump Rules (2013) Discussion > Late Gen Xers/Early Millenials...

Late Gen Xers/Early Millenials...

This show is a perfect example of the earliest Millenials/Late GenXers and a foreshadowing in what is to follow . This is what you get when children are taught in school that "everybody is a winner" or "You're special". Get a blue ribbon for trying! This kind of rhetoric started being taught to young children in the 1980s and 1990s. Thanks to "psychologists" who wanted everyone to feel special.

These people are the product of that. These "Xennials" are all about that. Their selfish attitudes, narcissists, sociopathic natures are products of the "snowflake" generation. Now these people are entering their 30s and just past that, and we are seeing them in their adult form. Never growing up and still childish and selfish. We see these traits in Jax, Kristin, the two Toms, Stassi, and the whole gang. This is what the next generation will be like, only worse.

"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".


You are so right! It still blows my mind that every school kids gets a prize just for participating (in whatever contest or activity.) It doesn't prepare them for the real world. So the kids grow up thinking they really are special. They think they are owed that promotion at work, the rules don't apply to them or I need to "get mine" first. The thought process of handing out blue ribbons to every kid helped create this
group of emotional train wrecks.


Not every kid gets a prize in school, you do know that, right?

Donald J. Klump, "Tremendous" Liar:


The schools here hand out a trophy or ribbon to every kid who participates in field day, for example. It's a yearly athletic event all the school kids participate in. EVERY kid goes home with a trophy. The peewee football league here hands out trophies to the kids on the overall winning team, the other teams gets smaller trophies. Trophy = prize. Tomato, tomahhto.


I don't believe it's a participatory ribbon, "special snowflake", thing, I remember getting those in school and I don't think a single kid gave a damn about winning one. I really think it's just parents, parents spoil their children way to badly now a days. If you got in trouble in school it used to be your fault, now it's the teachers fault (i.e. It's never James fault for getting trouble, it's always someone else's for making him act that way).


Superb observation! I say you are 100% spot on with your comments!
I teach pre school to a group of mostly low income families that rely mainly on government assistance to live day to day. Most are single very young mothers that have multiple children with multiple men. All I can say is heaven help us when this group of youngsters are "of age."
The world will be like one giant SUR lounge.


Considering the most selfish entitled generation American has ever had raised them, surprised they didn't turn out worse. the generation that slept all over the place, took drugs like they were candy and refuses to share raised them. Protested to socialize America and then when it happened decided they don't want it anymore since others want those benefits as well. They are peaches compared to entitled narcissistic baby boomers. Baby boomers trashing them because they hate sharing and can't stand anyone taking their power away. They were like that 40 years and still just as selfish as ever.


^So true and well said! I hadn't compared the two but you are spot on. I miss the Greatest Generation, not many left. People dressed beautifully, worked hard and loved the USA.

You never know when you may have to jam


I'm 30 years old as are all my friends, the same age as the cast of this show. None of us are anything like anyone on this show. All normal people with respectable jobs (teachers, attorneys, social workers, nurses, etc) who just enjoy spending time with our friends and family. To say an ENTIRE generation is like these people is absurd. Every generation has its share of good decent hard working individuals, and it's share of self absorbed a$$holes. Period. You coming on here and insulting an entire generation of people because of this one silly tv show makes YOU look like the sensitive and petty one who is hurt and offended by the harsh realities of the world. I understand you thinking the people on this show are obnoxious and ridiculous human beings, I agree with you! But don't lump us all in with them and say "it's a generational thing"... that isn't fair, and makes you come off like a jerk.


Completely agree with blubird-1 and softmonument. This has more to do with people looking at the past through rose coloured glasses than anything else. Most people do not act this way. Every generation has its detractors from the generation that came before them. This is nothing new, so I don't understand why people keep acting like it is. I'm sure the so called "Greatest Generation/Baby Boomers" have/had their fair share of detractors, too!

"You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." Mr Darcy


So true! And Baby Boomers are some of the biggest cry babies out there.


Like you said, every generation has it's detractors. Totally true. There were people during the baby boomer generation who were unemployed hippies taking part in mass outdoor orgies, hitchhiking across the country with complete strangers dropping tons of acid. Then on the flip side there were baby boomers who were upstanding citizens who worked hard and raised families. And the generation before that had people on both sides of the fence as well. Literally every generation since humans have existed has had its share of straight laced hard working types, and it's lost out of control types. It's just nature. Some people (like a lot of the people on this show) were raised by parents who had their issues, and those issues went on down the line into their kids. And now those kids are grown up with the issues they inherited from their parents, insecurities, dysfunctions, etc. These people just live it all out on television. There is a reason why they all are the way they are, and it 100% for sure isn't just because they are millennials who grew up in the 90s/00s. They have issues of their own that they haven't reconciled with clearly, and we're seeing all their demons come out on tv for our entertainment.


What about all the SJW snowflakes that couldn't handle Trump's election? Sore losers! IMO, they were given everything . Of course, not everyone in this age group is that way, but a majority have been raised that we're all winners, and that you are special and you deserve things without working for them.

"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".


Are you a snowflake too? You are very sensitive about everything on these boards. You seem as if you were raised like a millennial as well. Aren't you middle aged and living off the government and your parents? Did your parents always tell you that you were special too? Is that why you have no concept of real world?


I am not really middle aged yet. I will be in a few years. So what? What is wrong with middle aged? Do you think that is an insult or something?

"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".


Meaning that you are not a millennial, but older, but still act like how you say that they act. Like the rest of my comment said.....

How long do you expect to live, anyway?


If you want to be technical, I'm actually what is known as a Xennial. Born in 1979, I am on the cusp between Gen X and Gen Y (Millineal) I really don't care how old I am. My Daddy is already 82. At 37, he wasn't middle aged yet, obviously. I plan to live to 90 or more.

Also, just because I'm not famous, doesn't mean I'm a failed musician.
Look at what music critic Ned Hepburn says about me in his blog:

"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".


So is that why you act like a delicate snowflake and live off your parents and the government?


I have a lot of flaws, but that doesn't mean you need to ridicule me.

"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".


It's a simple question. Even you should be able to understand it.


Man who cares, none of this $hit matters, it's a silly tv show. You don't need to take it so seriously. This doesn't need to turn into a political debate. Let's all just get along and laugh at how ridiculous the people on this show are.


Those participation trophies weren't for the kids. They were for the pathetic parents that couldn't handle their precious kid not getting something. The parents were the ones having tantrums. Millennials grew up watching their moms and dads screaming at the teachers and coaches. Nothing was the kids fault. "Not MY child!!!!!!" was the philosophy. It's not any surprise how they turned out
