Why is this dumbass white trash wedding so important?
Scheana - obvious these people think you are lowly. Sit this one out: find yourself a new set of friends. This is f-ing Katie - not someone who really matters. Who cares if she is in your life or not, before or after her pathetic wedding?
Ariana - obvious these women are intimidated by you. Sit this one out, and be done with these asswipes. Your only friend in that group is Scheana, and the only reason why you tolerate the rest is because your BF (with the horrific highlights) is pals with Jax and Tom with-the-erectile-dysfunction.
These people are so stupid. This is Katie - who cares about her or her wedding? Tom can attend alone, and Scheana and Ariana can do a spa weekend while Stassi stuffs her face even more cake that she doesn't need and Kristen gives blowjobs to any and every man who throws her a dollar.