Netflix and Brie Larson were accused of encouraging mass harassment of a Twitter user incorrectly branded a troll who said the film "looked bleh". He had to change the privacy setting on his account to shield off the angry mob. That probably affected the rating.
The Tweet in question
"Lol this looks like bleh. Take notes from Jonah Hill, who was mentored by Martin Scorsese, and took years before he made his directorial debut out of respect for the artistry of film and the position of director. This seems like she’s just riding Captain Marvel’s wave."
One of many of the users follow up Tweets
"Sometimes, things come off that way unfortunately. It’s social media. I didn’t intend to come off as rude or anything. I don’t wish bad on Ms. Larson’s career. I’m a fan of some of her flicks but I simply wasn’t feeling this and I expressed that. People don’t like it. Oh well."