Schumer is so rich she can afford lipo suction. So you're right, no excuse. However, no excuse is needed. Amy is clearly happy with how she looks. Your opinion doesn't matter to her. She posts pics of herself in bathing suits on social media all the time..and gets hundreds of thousands of likes. Maybe it's her physical preference. Maybe it's her boyfriend's. Maybe she knows she's a female-approved entertainer, not male-approved, and recognized the market value in being relatable to the average woman. (Brilliant.) Fact of the matter is, the stereotypical "Hollywood hot" female comediennes like Eliza Schlesinger who spend as much time in the gym as they do working on their stand up just never attain the level of success that Amy has. In fact, going back in history, every successful female comedienne has appealed to the average woman. Lucille Ball downplayed her model looks and abandoned glamor in favor of average housewife looks (hairstyle, clothes etc.) Joan Rivers was never beautiful, Carol Burnett was plain as the day is long, Kathleen Madigan is average too, Roseanne Bar -- need I say more? Comediennes that are both beautiful and successful are few and far between. Men tend to not laugh at women, so the ones that men would prefer fall by the wayside. And that's okay! Not every woman you look at has to get you hard. There's value in women beyond "boner inducer."
in case you haven't notice, for the first time in decades, life expectancy in the US is dropping. We have an obesity epidemic, and younger and younger kids are coming down with weight related health issues such as hyper-tension.
"Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong." J.J. Rousseau
Yeah but Schumer isn't obese. She's thick, big boned, chunky, plump, overweight, etc. But she's not obese. She prob weighs 170-186 at 5'9". She's tall. Anyway, that's not a BMI that'll kill you. She's far from lethal. In short, lighten up!
true, she's not obese, but those fat rolls on her aren't attractive or healthy. She has plenty of money, and no excuses for being overweight, and she does hold herself up as a body image role model.
"Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong." J.J. Rousseau
This little tantrum you're throwing over something that doesn't involve your life at all is comical, and thinly veiling your animosity by feigning concern for Amy's health and the health of America's youth isn't fooling anyone.
I don't care about her health. I hope she gets so fat that she dies. She's a piece of $h!t pig, right up there with Lena Dunham, who also happens to be a fat, disgusting $h!t stain on society.
in case you haven't notice, for the first time in decades, life expectancy in the US is dropping.
I'd say that kids sitting in front of video screens all damn day, eating the garbage promoted by the American food industry, has a lot more to do with that trend than any pleasantly plump comedienne.
Ok Jupiter that's great and all can be we talk about the health ramifications and dangers being fat has. Sure whatever it's her choice she's happy etc. But there is a plague blazing throughout the United States and it's called being overweight or obese. THIS IS NOT HEALTHY. So when plum little Amy Shumer goes off on Instagram showing how happy she is with a little belly hanging off her bikini, and thousands of inspired fans like it, it only kindles the plague and encourages it. Instead she should be role model to women about how when the necessary steps are taken, one can change their body image and become very healthy! We can't pretend being fat is "cool" anymore, where we demonize fat shamers and tell the poor little obese kids they are fine and nothing is wrong with them. It's an epidemic and in MOST INSTANCES, being fat is all on you, it's a choice.
As a doctor there are many reasons that rich people can be and are fat. There are: illnesses as well as medication for those illnesses (from diseases of the body to diseases of the mind aka depression) genetics, metabolic rate due to various reasons, thyroid conditions, psychological conditions (body dysmorphia and binge eating disorder - to name just two). Then you have the ability to pay to have people do things that the average person must do for themselves (do not moving as much as they should/could be).
Look at Oprah. She is a BILLIONAIRE, and is overweight. She has a private chef and a personal trainer, yet that doesn't stop her from going to the store, getting delivery, or having friends get her a family size bag(s) of chips, ice cream, chocolate, cake, pie....... Her money makes getting those things easier. Remember in 1998 or 1999 when she went down to a size 10 and came on her show wearing jeans (she is tall so she looked like she was in a size 5)?? That lasted about a month before she started putting the weight back on.
My cousin is one of the top 3 women on the show Once Upon a Time, and she has always been thin, but she does a lot to stay that way now that she is nearly 40. She never had a child, unlike her co-star Ginnifer Goodwin, who has yet to return to her pre-baby weight (2 pregnancies practically back-to-back). On set there is tons of tasty, good and bad for you, food from Craft Food Services. They have normal food service for regular meals, but there are always food and beverage stations for between meals and between takes. They even do special food for cast members birthdays or anniversaries. My cousin loves BBQ ribs, which they made for lunch on her birthday last year. Instead of eating a rack of ribs like other crew/cast members, she limited herself to THREE individual ribs and healthy sides, and a small piece of cake that was made for her (actually a bunch of casts members made her individual cakes, so she just had one bite from each while they were getting makeup, hair, and various things throughout the day). Also, she and her husband and her stepsons actually do outdoor activities, their own grocery shopping, and make home cooked meals as a family. They could have people do this for them, but that isn't how my cousin was raised, and it keeps her thin. Her vice, that she always keeps in her bag is chocolate. Although she makes sure it is dark chocolate with over 55% cacao, which has medically shown to help with the release of endorphins and keeps the heart and brain working well. The thing is, MODERATION!!!
You can have all the Liposuction you want, but without moderation, and a healthy lifestyle you will never be healthy. I guess that is my answer to the OP. Sorry that is was the long way around.
Yeah the board was way too black and white about this till you showed up doctor. Meds cause people to gain weight as well as glandular issues. Nothing is ever as simple as it seems with logic like that and people should know that by now
Amy has made her name in comedy and proven she can do it without the stupid "look at me, I'm the fat girl using my fat to be funny and if I lost weight I wouldn't be funny" unlike Melissa MaCarthy... So why don't you take your illogical BS where it makes sense.
It’s how she got popular. She’s probably scared to change it, she doesn’t want to be like the girl from dirty dancing. Get a nose job and no career, lose weight and no career.