A question

Forgive me to all you avid fans of the book but it seems her plight as well as many of these period piece novels revolve around affairs of the lead role. For obvious reasons of the day it seems that forced marriages bring on forced love which would seem to end up with the woman falling for another.
In Madame Bovare though , she seemed like a desperate Harlett , and that is all she is going around doing in this small village. I get the urning to have adventure and be loved by a real man and not a stiff doctor in this case. What's her true plight ?
She seems to have wanted to just destroy herself and the man that loved her on her own selfish whims. Is this what the book basically is about since there were many bad and mixed reviews on this film ???



That's a valid question and you've basically got it right. In the book she was the naive product of a sheltered convent education and was influenced by the romantic novels that she and her classmates read and adored -- castles, dungeons, princes in disguise, and the like. Her mother was dead and she lived on her father's farm, where she pretty much spent all day reading and playing dress-up. She first meets Charles when he was tending the injured leg of her father, so he's somewhat in the position of a "rescuer," and Emma would like to be rescued from life on a farm, even though she never seemed to have lifted a finger doing any farm work. Marriage was the ultimate goal for a woman at that time and in Emma's mind once she was married everything would fall into place and she would achieve a state of constant passion, adventure, ecstasy, and spiritual bliss. The reality of being married to a preoccupied and not especially bright small-town doctor (back then doctors were about as prestigious as barbers) completely shattered her illusions about what the rest of her life was going to look like. And yes, she also was selfish, a terrible mother (in the book she had a daughter whom she abused and neglected), and a clingy, demanding mistress. She never thought in terms of how her actions would affect anyone in her life. And in the end she just wanted to escape.
