for all of you

who have NO idea what its like to be a person of color. has it ever occurred to you to just shut up on prejudices you just simply cannot comment on? at the end of the day it wouldnt have gone down like that for a white man, and his silly little bunch of ne'er'do'wells. but for black men/women were violent insubordinate GANGS! and we derserve no trials no jurys no verdict just death. shot in the backs like dogs. so until the day any of you high horse know it all "if you hate cops dont pick up the phone and call 9/11-ers" can walk a mile in peoples like Michael Brown Trayvon Martin Eric Garner and Oscar Grant's shoes its advised you remain silent.




You MUST be a CUN-servative. Only the C*#*$ can see the truth but chose to support a lie, because facing truth means admitting that there's a serious race issue in this country. And don't give me the ol', "But how can the country be racist if we elected a black president?" dodgeball question because you certainly played no part in him being elected. Not with your hateful mindset.


I know but discussions can be helpful sometimes no matter what abundance of or lack of information and experiences the discussers possess.

"Did you make coffee? Make it!"--Cheyenne.


ur right, white people don't have any idea what it must be like. but as a white person, lemme just say this: there was one person in this move i could fully relate to - the stupid white bitch on the train. why oh whyyyyy did she not get out and do some to stop this KILLS ME. made me scream at my tv litterally. I know it didnt happen exactly like this or wateva im just sayin i would have been jumpin in that cops face, tellin him he got the wrong people, they didn't do nuthin wrong, how can they treat them this way blablabala. i would have gone BALLISTIC. probly spat in their face or some to get me arrested with the lot, thinkin maybe if theyd have some lil blonde girl in with the rest they would have acted better. honestly this seems extreme but i would have rather taken a *beep* bullet than stand there and watch that without doing nothing. how can people not react when faced with such injustice, i dont get it.
my heart goes out to all people of color that have to deal with this *beep* it has to end.


You speak about prejudices and a lack of experience with racism and I agree with you. "White" people in general lack that. However, to come on here and basically tell the white viewers that they don't have anything to say because they are white is just as racist and bias as your apparent idea of those "white" people. What does the color of someone's skin matter when breaking down art? I'm white and I thought that what happened in the film was atrocious. The cops were despicable and deserved WAY more than they were sentenced but that doesn't change the fact that there were serious flaws to the movie. And that isn't a race thing. It's a movie thing. No one can argue that what went down at the Fruitvale Station that night was incredibly tragic and unjust; but to make a movie based on true events that embellishes or even adds things that didn't even happen all together is counterproductive to the spirit in which you are fighting for in the first place. And at the end of the day, you're right about ethnic people being more discriminated against. But isn't that also the exact same thing you're doing with your comment? Discriminating. Who is being prejudice now?


All lives matter
