Good until..

He said "get a real card not one with a white person on it"

If that's how he really was and talked, then it looks like the cops weren't the only racist ones.. I know it's a movie, prob not accurate.. But if you want to send A message about racism, then maybe you (the writers) shouldn't throw in racist , anti white people lines in it..

It makes it sound like it's ok for them to be racist but when it's other way around, a damn movie gets made from it. Whites deal with racism just as much if not more than blacks.. No such thing as blacks can't be racist. This movie proves it




I'm white...that part didn't bother me at all. It was funny...because it's true, a lot of "white cards" at Hallmark are hokey or just seem fake. Who cares if a black person thinks that? I'm white and I think that even if a black person was racist towards me or hated me for my skin color, that's just THAT black person, not the entire race.

Even if he hated white people (which he didn't)..he still didn't deserve to die that way.


I'm pretty sure she said that bc Oscar bought his mom cards with white families on them as a joke in the past and she wanted him to get a serious card. I'm white and I don't see anything wrong with this. I don't think this is a race issue, it's a sensitivity issue and people are too quick to be offended nowadays.


mhaze210 is crazy
