MovieChat Forums > Fruitvale Station (2013) Discussion > There are a lot of racist idiots on thes...

There are a lot of racist idiots on these boards.

Like it's 2015, get with it.


Like it's 2015 and you racist thug idiots still play the race card every chance you get.


It shouldn't be a out race. It should be about citizens coming together to make a stand against these bullies with guns. All of the sociopathic weirdos that went to my highschool became cops. They are praised and rewarded for the amount of people they arrest each month and not for solving crimes and protecting people.


You're right. It's only getting worse.


north -

It shouldn't be a out race. It should be about citizens coming together to make a stand against these bullies with guns.

There are racists and bullies in every environment. Those kinds of limited thinkers do harm to society.

It's women whom are keeping the divide alive. Women outnumber men and they refuse to vote, to run for office and to put down differences long enough to unite towards a common cause. Heck, American women are so backwards, there still isn't an Equal Rights Amendment! So, while I agree it would be great to unite in this cause towards justice, more than half the population is too busy nursing their second class citizenship to participate in any effective way in any other issue.

All of the sociopathic weirdos that went to my highschool became cops. They are praised and rewarded for the amount of people they arrest each month and not for solving crimes and protecting people.

I agree. A system which rewards meeting quotas is ineffectual at best and at worst, is extremely harmful to all involved. Hopefully, a few of the especially passionate posters on this board will earn an education and become powerful influences for progress and change.

~~~~ SCANDAL - "Thinking is for losers!" Best satire ever televised.


Misogynist fools on this board, too.


mss -

Misogynist fools on this board, too.

True. But, I'm not one of them so why did you post that as a reply to me? Was that a technical error or are did you misunderstand my assertions?

~~~~ SCANDAL - "Thinking is for losers!" Best satire ever televised.


Your paragraph that begins "it is women who are keeping the divide alive ..." seems clearly misogynistic.


mss -

Your paragraph that begins "it is women who are keeping the divide alive ..." seems clearly misogynistic.

Well, then I'm glad you spoke up. Nope, I've spent decades fighting for women's rights. My assertion is factual.

Women are a majority yet they do not unite to raise themselves up... not even to the level of correcting the Constitution to amend it to state that they are equals. That's not woman-hating... that's accountability. There's respect in holding people responsible for their own circumstances when they have the power to change them, and don't. There is disrespect in pretending that they don't have the power, when they do.

I'm an American. The propaganda is that it's the best country in the world, yet this is what is really going on:

No female, American President yet.

and this...

On March 12, 2010, Amnesty International issued a report entitled Deadly Delivery: The Maternal Health Care Crisis in the USA, which documented that although the United States spends more on health care than any other country, it ranked 41st (at the time of publication) in terms of maternal death. As the report demonstrated, this is not just a matter of public health, but a human rights issue.

Pick any area of life, and I could go on posting such facts. The lack of unity towards equal rights/human rights, is a problem. Racism is one such dividing factor. A huge problem is that women are busy... getting raped every few minutes, getting battered and/or working multiple jobs to compensate for lower pay, fewer promotions and if kids are depending on them, they have little time of their own.

And, I love this movement, He for She because this is what feminism means.. being fair.

because the patriarchal oppression of women is damaging to the oppressors, too. I mean men. But having said that, there are feminist (fair-minded) men and women and there are patriarchal men and women. Like the way a black-skinned overseer would call other slaves the n word, acting as the upholders of white supremacy, so are some women calling other women words like, the b word, the sl word, the wh word, the c word and other terms of objectifying hatred.

My name here is Kuntext. I'd use the C but it would get censored. I write about women's rights and women's issues and my POV is that since women's achievements have been left out of recorded history and since women are still oppressed, we can't discuss anything as if it were credible until after we make a deliberate effort to add the female view and the facts which apply to each topic. It's an act of self-expression that I use the first part of my name here because I'm a woman and that's one of my most favorite parts of my body. :) To heck with those who would equate my pleasure with the worst thing you could verbalize, as an insult!

~~~~ SCANDAL - "Thinking is for losers!" Best satire ever televised.


An interesting response. I wish it were not so late (or early) that I can't respond to it in full. Just the initial point for now--some people do not believe that an equal rights amendment is necessary at this time or that it is a good use of resources to pursue it. We have the Equal Protection Clause and Federal and state civil rights acts.

I don't follow your assertion that it is women's fault that women have not made more progress and that this lack of progress is the reason that racism still exists. Are you saying that if women hurried up and defeated the effects of sexism, that then they would have time to defeat racism? Shouldn't men be doing that, too?

More later, maybe--good night.


mss - Me, too, but for now, no, that's not what I'm saying... I'll clarify later.

~~~~ SCANDAL - "Thinking is for losers!" Best satire ever televised.


mss :)

I found a more recent trailer for Equal Means Equal:

some people do not believe that an equal rights amendment is necessary at this time or that it is a good use of resources to pursue it. We have the Equal Protection Clause and Federal and state civil rights acts.

The 14th Amendment offers the right of redress. It's been a huge part of propaganda and misinformation that it's the same thing as having equal rights in the Constitution and many women and men misunderstood the need for correction because they think that sufficient progress was actually made. Yes, some states have ERA's but this is still not the same as a federal, Constitutional Amendment. Imagine if it were Black men whom were only equal in 22 states while still being legally inferior in rights on a Federal level?

I don't follow your assertion that it is women's fault that women have not made more progress and that this lack of progress is the reason that racism still exists. Are you saying that if women hurried up and defeated the effects of sexism, that then they would have time to defeat racism? Shouldn't men be doing that, too?

I did not say that I "fault" women. I tried to address the public penchant for woman-blaming by acknowledging that while under attack (raped, battered, economically abused, etc...) it's a bit challenging to take time out to get politically active to make changes. Instead, I was being pragmatic in tone, sans blame, and was addressing responsibility. (the ability to respond) Women and men must unite to create equality for all.

Both racism and sexism are supremacist-based belief systems. I'm saying that in the same way we hear about how the infighting of the 99% is useful to the 1%, so is the infighting between Black women and White women useful to the patriarchs. Patriarchs are comprised of both women and men whom believe in and uphold, male supremacy. Black women deal with two forms of oppression so IMO, they need to put the racism fight on the back burner and focus on sexism first.

Why? Because until women are legally equal, their "voices" are easily dismissed. MLK was a hero to me as a child but his work for civil rights was flawed as that model included the acceptance of inequality for women. Did he, or other men, deliberately accept equality for themselves while stepping over the bodies of women? Yep, they surely did. Just as the founding fathers worked to gain rights for themselves, spouting "all men are created equal," while hypocritically stepping over the bodies of those excluded (Black men, all women, some white landowners, Native American Indians, etc...)

I'm saying that the supremacy model is lethal, destructive and wrong, so whatever our differences are, let's focus on fixing that for women. Once women are equal under the law, then let's worry about racism. In fact, working towards equality for women will in itself, eliminate much racism.

~~~~ SCANDAL - "Thinking is for losers!" Best satire ever televised.


If cops are racist incompetents, why do black people call 911 eighty percent more than whites? I guess cops are only racist when they don't need them to protect them from themselves huh?



oh hey there. yes there are. i just finally watched this and now im crying on my couch 

typical mooching millenial


Exactly. I just finished watching this moving and it's "amazing," yet, not surprising that a white guy fresh out of prison starts a fight with this guy, Oscar Grant, and only Oscar and his friends were apprehended by police. Fight goes down, and immediately they round up all the black guys. What's even more troubling, was the fact that this guy was handcuffed and facing down on the ground. Yet, the killer cop claims he mistook his taser for a gun. Yeah, right! Let's say I believe that; why the hell was a taser necessary? The guy wasn't going anywhere. Oh, and did I mention that the white guy who started the fight was never apprehended? No one ever thought to speak up and tell how the fight really got started. This was not just a was a true story with the shooting recorded on camera phones, and this a$$h*le cop only got 2 years? Shooting someone in the back who was face down, and he was out in 11 months? Ridiculous! Faced with these facts, and racist people STILL support the lie that, "Oscar Grant must've done something wrong..."




it's 2016 now, bitch.


There are idiots of all kinds everywhere you go, and they keep reproducing. It's quite scary.
