MovieChat Forums > Soshite chichi ni naru (2013) Discussion > Is a U.S. release in the offing?

Is a U.S. release in the offing?

This film is being shown during the New York Film Festival (and I know that Steven Spielberg has bought the rights for an American remake), but I wonder: Is the film (Koreeda's version, that is) to be given a general release in the United States? And if so, when does it open -- anyone know?


It opens sometime in mid to early January of next year. I just saw the film at the Chicago International Film Festival and am currently writing my review of the film. It won the Audience Choice Award and was given a 3rd screening day during the "Best of the Fest" final full day of the Festival. I'm always open to remakes as long as they're done well and tastefully, and if possible their own version. I hope this can be along those lines too. This was a good emotional and even heart warming story.


as noted, the US release date is January 17, 2014 via Sundance Selects/IFC and you know that it pretty much means that a Criterion release is more than likely happening in 2014 as well - since 'Still Walking' was released on home video from Criterion. Am seeing this next month at the Portland Arts Museum Film Center.



a US DVD release? or import? an import will obviously happen before the US one comes out, but the film has to have it's US theatrical run play out before any sort of news of a home video release.


I've just seen this one and I thought it was one of the most emotional films I've even seen! Absolutely wonderful!!
I can see why Spielberg fell in love with it....


retired military here, seen plenty of death, this film made me cry like a baby.

cannot not even comprehend how i would handle this

this movie is a 10


I'm going to a preview screening tonight, so it's evidently getting a theatrical release (at least in NYC).


Everyone needs to see this amazing film no matter where they live.


how would one find if it were showing in this area? or it's on video?



Check out this link:

It's available as Video on Demand in some areas.

This is a great film, well worth seeking out. I expect it will be near the top on my 2014 10 best list.


This is great! but of course it's all US releases. How about the rest of the world?! Poor canada and UK are always the last. Awesome though! I'll keep posted on this website! thx though.
