Taken knockoff?

The plot sounds so much like Taken. Gezzzz hollywood's running out of ideas!


With complex characters, a dash of sexual intrigue & unpredictable twists. This is Egoyan we're talking about - he's not out to copy other stories. The logline is incredibly generic and familiar but so were the loglines for his previous films. He has a way of subverting every expectation and this won't be any different.

Surprise, Sidney


http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2326612/board/nest/234243318?d=234243318#2 34243318

There is nothing to see here


Yes, because Taken was the first movie to deal with the plot of a father searching for his kidnapped child.


Unlike both taken and the recent prisoners i read that the plot of this picks up 8 years after his daughter has disappeared and not been heard from with apparent new clues that she is still alive and existing which sounds like a much more harrowing and gut wrenching story.


Oh *beep* There's never been a movie about a kidnapped daughter before Taken, I almost forgot!


I got more of "The Vanishing" vibe from the trailer: the movie doesn't shy away from showing what happened to the girl. It looks to be more about the after-effects and how 'not knowing' will ultimately destroy the people left behind.

But who knows? Atom Egoyan usually makes really complex films that don't follow a set formula, even if they don't always succeed (for me, anyway).

"Falling feels like flying... until you hit the ground."-Tom McRae


Well if you liked "Prisoners" from last year, this one will not disappoint. Equally intense I would say and the less you know about it going in the better. I felt like this story had been done before in some sort of way, but not this well done. The people hating on this film right now (mostly critics) i have no idea what drugs they are on. Don't listen to them this time around. This was a solid movie and nearly perfect in my eyes. This will definitely be at the top of my best films of the year list.
