Quite the Turd
Not many movies annoy me so much as to make me come here and rant about them but this was one of them. The plot has so many holes I think the only person it actually makes sense to is Egoyan, and if I were to point them all out I'd basically have to write the whole movie. I'm positive anybody praising this movie is either involved with production or simply suffers from a bad case of horrible taste. First off Ryan Reynolds shouldn't be cast in anything other than the sequel to "Waiting", when you see the scene in the hospital where he tries to explain to his wife how he lost the girl you'll understand. The kiddy porn grief ring is such a stupid premise, and thanks to the complete lack of any depth into this subject, I fear I will never quite understand what exactly what was going on there. The time transitions were awkward and left me wondering what the hell was happening. Vince was an absolute waste of time as a character. Matthew didn't think to get the license plate of the car of the kidnappers but somehow thought putting his cell phone inside the rim of their spare tire was a good idea? And they just went home after the ridiculously disappointing car chase scene? Fear not because from then it all was wrapped up quite blandly within a minute or so. UGH, what a turd of a movie.