What a mess! SPOILER

What a mess of a movie!
It all starts with this going back and forth in the timeline (I've counted 5 in total, the '2013 before' really being the most ridiculous) . Usually, I like this kind of movies. But in this case it didn't serve any purpose. None at all!
And then there were the cops... They turned absolutely every single sentence from Ryan's character into a suspicion to the point of being just plain annoying. I get that cops have to look into every possible direction, but this was just useless. And why did they introduce the other cops and their 'talents' when it didn't help the case at all?
And what the *beep* was Ryan thinking when he stole the mobile from the female abductor and then just left? Of course they would go after him! Why didn't he just wait for the police to arrive? OR follow them wherever they were going so that he would get the chance to find his daughter?
The female cop showing her face into the camera? And then not switching off the computer?? The stupidity really hurts!
The characters had no depth or whatsoever, their actions were not understandable, so many questions left unanswered (e.g. how did they find the female cop in the end? could have been exciting... but nope!)
This topic could have turned into a movie, that really creeps you out or makes you angry and sad... but it failed at doing so, because everything about making this movie was just horribly done!


Totally agree with you - a mess! I was tempted to buy just a digital copy of this a few weeks ago but decided to stick to my vow not to buy anything more unless I really liked the movie. I'm glad this was just a half-price rental and even that was a waste. The whole back and forth with the time really was annoying, not that I need a captions on scenes saying "Eight Years Ago", "Present Day", etc., but at least give me a clue with hairstyles or a different season, just something! After Rosario Dawson's character gets kidnapped, she's in the next scene finding the hidden camera in the hotel room (?????). I started to think my old DVD player was on its last legs and playing chapters in the wrong order or someone had done an extremely poor job of putting this on DVD. Sooooo glad I didn't purchase this.
