Objects from Cass

Soo...The Mum keeps finding objects that are related to her daughter, the trophy especially, and she doesnt tell the police?! And always in that one room, surely she must know something is messed up.
Is the guy TRYING to get caught? I know hes sick and twisted with what he does to kids, but why mess with the Mum so much?


I probably should have said Spoilers, but to be honest this whole film is a spoiler for itself.

She FINALLY tells them, took her long enough!

Seriously, this film is so confusing. And not in a good way, like the story is a twist and the plot is good. Its confusing how they keep jumping back and forth through time. One minutes Nicole is locked in the van and the next she discovers the cameras in the rooms. When was she taken?
Does this guy want to be found out? Because he really takes every opportunity to be found!


Watched the commentary and this was mentioned. The movie makes it look like she finds everything all at once but it could have been spread over several years.


I think I will not even try to right a sensabl comments or mess-age here because why bother....if I wrote a Clearer and elquant message it would just sh o w. Up this flim attempt...I mean this attempt at/of a flim...
Stay away stay away.
