Amazing movie !!!

I had very low expectations on this movie, but damn !!!! It's amazing !! I can't believe all the hating going on, some ppl get lost trough the time line, but if you pay attention it's not that hard.

Just watch the movie is amazing !!


Yes, the time line is followable, but it is utterly pointless. There was no benefit to the plot or the suspense to tell the story out of order. It's a technique used to heighten tension and suspense. It did nothing for this film other than make it incoherent.

Motivations for the characters were often unfathomable.

They wrapped up a complex storyline in two minutes with some quickflash scenes (the longest of which was a truck driving down the road in the snow. Ok). She skates. She smiles. The end. Years of childhood rape and torture are all better now. Normality achieved.

Inexcusably bad.

Somewhere out there are edited portions of this film that helped it make sense. Or maybe they were never able to translate what they were thinking to the film. Who knows. But this is choppy and odd all the way through.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


Maybe a Director's Cut in the near future would benefit it. The story does seem disorganized and heavily edited.


Yes, the time line is followable, but it is utterly pointless. There was no benefit to the plot or the suspense to tell the story out of order.
I think the story would have been more suspenseful, if it had played out in linear time. There appeared to be no pay-off whatsoever to the non-linear narrative and episodes such as when Nicole finds the cameras, just seem to jump out of nowhere. And was it my imagination or did Matt appear to wear the same clothes for 8 winters straight?🐭


While I don't agree that its amazing, it deserves better than 5.9 maybe a 7.2. I found it slow in places and the jumping around stupid but the story line was different and I was anxious for Mika to be caught. Would have liked the ending to include Albert skating with Cass. All in all, I don't understand all the hating on the message board.
