So far I find this film suspenseful and interesting BUT (spoilers)
These police are supposed to be smart and the police woman in particular is like winning an award or whatever, but she didn't find it suspicious that RIGHT after she showed her face to the child pedo ring people, she would somehow get *beep* drunk off one glass of wine and a water? really...? she doesn't find that odd at all? even in a messed-up state of mind?
it would literally be the first thing I think is "im being drugged, remove myself from everyone talking to be, get help, call my husband (infront of alot of other guests), call my cop friends etc, don't go to bathroom, don't be alone etc"
gonna keep watching, I guess they had to make you suspend belief to keep the movie going, it just really bugs me that this lady seemed so legit and this is the lame way they get her.
k unpausing now.