MovieChat Forums > The Captive (2014) Discussion > So many Questions left unanswered!

So many Questions left unanswered!

This movie is now on Amazon Prime and I should of noticed the low star rating.

Now I am confused about these things:

Why did the kidnapper (Mika) Do this?
The movie gave no background on his character!!!! No Flashbacks to childhood, No real insight to anything expect the scene with his Boss and at the charity ball. There was no motive revealed? No prior trauma besides the one confusing scene with the boss getting onto him for being to nice to the employees under him. Why was he so fascinated with people's stories? Did he have some sort of trauma as a child? There was no back story to this character at all and I feel it just added to the confusion. I realize some people are just sickos, but they didn't even state that!!!

What really happened to Cass all those years in captivity?
So the movie revealed she was being used as a gatekeeper of sorts making contact with kids and luring them in, but what happened before she was doing that? Why did they want the kids? Was she being sexually abused? Was she being tortured? Or used for something? They never once revealed any of this? Not saying I wanted gory details, but they could of at least said what happened to her. I got the feeling something must have happened to her when she asked Mika to let her go because he was "no longer interested in her and she was old now"

Who was the woman helping him?
I got the feeling she must of been a former captive because of what she said to the detective in the limo "I wish there were people like you when I was a little girl" And also the hesitation she had when Mika gave her the gun to shoot Matthew. It was just to confusing with out them revealing anything about her.

Did the parents separate?
I feel like the scene in the beginning with the detective at the dinner kind of hinted to a separation, but it never revealed that.

Why was the detective Jeffery so aggressive with Matthew?
I realize he said that Matthew reminded him of someone in his past, but that still does not call for the hate and hard time he gave him.

If they would of put more time into developing the characters this movie would of been a lot better. The plot was a good idea, but the way they wrote the script and gave no information about the characters made this movie a waste of time to watch.


I totally agree that there wasn't enough character development for Mika, detective Jeff, or many of the secondary characters. I thought the movie began very well and created great tension, only to be a big disappointment at the end.




I think almost all of your questions were at least inferred.

I thought they made it obvious that Cass had been used for pedophile porn. She said towards the beginning that Mika should let her go since she was 'too old' and he had 'lost interest.'

It was also inferred that the woman helping him had been used and inculcated the same way Cass was.

Also, it's "would have," "should have," and "could have." Not "would of," "should of," or "could of."


OP, agree with all your points. The movie would have been much better if they elaborated on the items in question. Instead, it's all inferred.

I guessed that Cass was used for child porn and to help lure other kids as shown when she is talking with the little girl on the video. She was getting too old for porn but her stories and general disposition was still valuable for luring customers and/or kids into the porn ring business (Remember how the guy that was arrested was interested in hearing stories from Dunlap's past so stories must attract certain customers as well and Mika enjoyed the stories)

Not sure on Mika except maybe these stories reminded him of his own past. The girl who kidnapped Dunlap was definitely a victim that now helped with the ring. It seemed like she was just doing what she was told.

I'm clueless on the Jeffrey character. I didn't care for him and could not figure out the anger he had for Matthew. I know he mentioned Matthew reminded him of someone but the man is a detective, surely he knows how to be more objective. At least if there was a backstory we would have context. Maybe he was abused which is why he wanted to work in the unit.


I too had many of these same questions.

I have really liked many of Egoyan's movies, but this one was hard to get into due to many of the questions you list. Despite its flaws there is still stuff to like.. Egoyan can really capture a bleak winter landscape and atmosphere wonderfully. But...

Some of the scenes were really odd choices ... i.e. during the big event when the Rosario Dawson character was speaking, she was drugged by the woman in the wig. But there was also this strange tension between Rosario Dawson and the big boss guy, plus the scene at the table seemed to suggest the boss guy had accidentally drunk the drugged wine as he was yawning etc... what was the point of that!?!

Actually, what was the point of the boss guy at all? Was he part of the perv ring or not?!?

How absurd was the "follow the trees" scene! What if like any normal person, the dad had simply called the cops and said, "hey, someone stole my trees"... maybe i missed something big, but how in the heck did the dad associate the trees with his daughter. I would have assumed they were stolen, and the few you could see from the hotel, had simply fallen off during the getaway.

Ok, the dad does a good job of finding the bad guys, but besides planting his cell phone on their car, his actions were about the last thing you should do! Why not simply note the license plate #, tell the cops, bingo, you have id'd the bad guys.

When he confronted them, he warned them they were about to go down, so obviously they are gonna now be looking to 'clean', which would likely mean killing the girl.

A car chase in an Egoyan movie? WTF?!?

There is more but not worth going into..
