This or Babadook ?

I found that I enjoyed this film more than babadook...It reminded me of Let The Right one In, which I love. The acting was right on I thought and the music, even though it seemed out of place it sounded so proper at the same time...I look forward to future films from Ana...


Babadook was OK.

This was *beep* The plot was weak. The characters weren't interesting. And it's one of those typical retarded romance movies where a guy and girl QUICKLY fall for each other and want to be together... and there's really no reason why because they don't even know each other.


Why not have both?


The Babadook was a suspenseful and tense tale that had me caring for the characters and wondering what was going to happen next. A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night had me falling asleep about 30 minutes in, I couldn't even make it to the end. A very dull, unengaging and overrated movie.



I rank The Babadook as the best horror film of this decade. AGWHAaN is my #4 (behind The Witch and It Follows).


Don't bother to ask idiots their opinnion. It just gives them a platform to voice an opinion which may be completely contrary to your own. Watch both, then come to your own conclusion. I haven't seen the babadook as of yet.

A girl walks home alone at night IN MY OPINION was great.

Each to their own I guess.


This. It's a beautiful movie


"The Babadook" was fine but had nothing to compare to the unique and hypnotic ambience, the memorable shots, or the humour, of "A Girl Walks ...", imho. Ana Lily Amirpour is a young director to keep an eye on.


Is that even a question? The Babadook, obviously. A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night was a trash movie if you ask me
