Wonderful Scene...
It's probably my favorite of the film, maybe The Girl dancing pre-hunt is a close second but everything is perfect in this scene, not groundbreaking but for a first feature, it's impressive...
The Pimp and The Girl, the Electro/House Music thumping in the background and a shot is lined up, The Pimps head basically "On TV" but the screen is black, as his outcome will eventually be. We see the Deer Trophies all around... But in the very upper left corner of the screen is a Head Sculpture... With a WHITE Background/Lighting. Just a wonderful contrast. The Pimp "seducing" The Girl, but so self-involved that he hardly even notices her strange behavior. The fangs just add to that theme. Now, that scene could be ruined with the wrong music. Maybe even silence would be fine... But with the Pimp, it's essential for the backdrop to it all. Just a great example of using all the tools to create a fantastic moment. I hadn't watched this film in quite some time, I forgot how slick it was. It's as Well Crafted a First Feature as they come. Close to what Eggers accomplished with 'The Witch', just a notch or 2 below. Her empowerment in that scene epitomizes what I love about this film.