MovieChat Forums > Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) Discussion > Christian Grey is the quintessential te...

Christian Grey is the quintessential text book definition of a stalker.

OK ladies let's be honest here, if he were not rich and good looking you would all be screaming "Stalker" and "creepy" at the top of your lungs. Women use the words "Stalker" , "creep" and Creepy" ad nauseum,. Yet they flock in droves line up around the corner to watch this movie. It's ironic isn't it?

Boston and Philly love to slander us, but they don t have as many fans as us


Had the novel been written from a third person perspective, the author could have redeemed herself by allowing an extra character in the form of a narrator who recognises the difference between wrong and right.


I’ve thought about this before. Not specifically for this movie but in general. The only difference between a creepy guy and an alpha “stud” getting what he wants is that a creepy guy isn’t good looking. Let’s be honest here.


True, but also let's not forget that EL James originally wrote it as Twilight fan fiction and Grey is Edward, who also was a stalker.


In the novels Anastasia actually calls him a stalker. But she's falling for it.
