Audience statistics #4
I got to see this on August 28th 2013 at IFC Center in New York City. It played in Theater #2 in this venue, and was most likely a digital screening. This was a preview screening for the movie, and the audience was mostly made up of people who paid for membership to the theater, and we all got in for free. There was about 75 people there, and it was pretty full. There was a good mix of men and women, some obvious couples, and even some single women. It would be hard to give a proper ratio, but I would guess about 60% male and 40% female.
The audience laughed at the appropriate moments, and people really seemed to enjoy it. No one left complaining about how bad it was, at least from what I heard. The two directors came out after it screened and did a nice and amusing Q&A that made it clear these guys are pretty damned funny and I think everyone enjoyed their part of the evening as well. Although the reviews/posts here seem to be more negative, the crowd I was with seemed to enjoy themselves.
Audience statistics #3 : Let Me Die A Woman (1977)
Audience statistics #5 : Hot Blooded Woman (1965)