Deinis Villeneuve = Genius?
It was totally by chance that I found out about Denny the Director while watching an add for Arrival (2016). I then downloaded Enemy, Prisoners and Sicario and watched them back to back and that's when I became totally addicted to his movie making style. I have not been able to download Incendies (2010) - but I am sure I'll find it sooner or later.
There's something about his style that gets hold of my mind and my heart. I think he creates a certain "mood"/ "atmosphere" that is sometimes reminiscent of David Lynch (Enemy/ Prisoners) and other times quite original (Sicario). He creates the "mood"with a special combination of soundtrack and visuals - is the best I can attempt to decipher his movie making style.
I wish he'd made more movies so that I could watch one each day for at least 365 days.