MovieChat Forums > Enemy (2014) Discussion > Deinis Villeneuve = Genius?

Deinis Villeneuve = Genius?

It was totally by chance that I found out about Denny the Director while watching an add for Arrival (2016). I then downloaded Enemy, Prisoners and Sicario and watched them back to back and that's when I became totally addicted to his movie making style. I have not been able to download Incendies (2010) - but I am sure I'll find it sooner or later.

There's something about his style that gets hold of my mind and my heart. I think he creates a certain "mood"/ "atmosphere" that is sometimes reminiscent of David Lynch (Enemy/ Prisoners) and other times quite original (Sicario). He creates the "mood"with a special combination of soundtrack and visuals - is the best I can attempt to decipher his movie making style.

I wish he'd made more movies so that I could watch one each day for at least 365 days.


Yea he is a pretty dope directer.


Polytechnique, Incendies, Prisoners, Enemy, Sicario and Arrival... Probably one of the best runs I've ever seen in Cinema. I also feel confident to add Blade Runner 2049 to that list. The guy is my favorite director right now(As in consistently making great films on a yearly basis.) I love PTA but he's more every 3-5 years. Fincher is also fantastic and so is Audiard. But man... Denis Villenueve is just unbelievable right now. And I feel the same... His work strikes a balance between Cerebral and Emotional, but staying INCREDIBLY Dark in Tone and realistic in Subject Matter (Even with Spiders, the core of Enemy is as Primal as it gets.) I love the fact that I have PTA, Nolan and Villenueve all to look forward to in 2017. It's looking like a great year. 2016 ended in a Boom. Hopefully they keep it going


Yeah, I think I can be added to his list of fangirls.


He hasn't made a bad film.
