MovieChat Forums > Alien: Covenant (2017) Discussion > What did they do wrong (major spoilers)

What did they do wrong (major spoilers)

As the corpses started piling up, let's list all the things the crew did wrong from the minute they woke up, including violating literally every single horror rule for survival. Did they have it coming? Oh yes. Not in chronological order:
- Have sex. Getting nude, in the shower, music full blast, recipe for disaster. You deserve to die.
- Know your android. Walter regenerated. David didn't. Noticing this when you are helping him staple his face back up might have alerted you to the switcheroonie. Duh!
- Answering a distress call. Just don't do it. Never.
- Flying through a storm. Stupid stupid stupid.
- Trusting a hooded stranger who takes you to 'safety' in a weird big old creepy building surrounded by corpses. Run away, run away!
- Splitting up. You clearly have never read anything about surviving a horror movie. People are missing SO WHAT? They split from the group, the fools! Don't make the same mistake.
- Trust the weird Android who lures you into a cave, shows you a big ominous egg and tells you it is ok to touch it and look inside, AFTER you've seen him communicating with a toothy alien who killed your crew member. Your entry into the Darwin Awards is complete.
- Try to help your crew mate who came over sick all of a sudden and is spurting blood everywhere. Kindness gets you killed, never forget that folks.
- Shoot in enclosed spaces with flammable gas, and not only that BLOW UP the only escape route your crew-mates have off the planet. The Oscar for stupidity goes to the crispy-fried pilot.
- You're on a strange planet where the weather is literally torrential rain and you proclaim that it's a great place to set up your new home. What, are you a complete idiot? And you didn't even pack a bloody umbrella. Dumb cannon fodder is what you are.


You've made it sound gewd :)


- Scan the planet for lifeforms before touching down. Pretty sure if you can find a planet that can hold human life from YEARS away you have enough tech to perform a few safety checks before you set foot on a strange planet where you are answering what appears to be a DISTRESS call. Epic FAIL!
- Send your entire crew into potential peril, apart from 3 people. Even parents often take different flights so that if one plane goes down the kids aren't left orphans. Captaining 101. Scouts in first!!
- Build an artificial intelligence that is capable of learning and that is physically stronger than you. It's like getting one of those fancy new cars that drive themselves and telling it to run over you a few times. Doomed to fail.
- Send in a second rescue mission. Have you learned nothing?! Your wife is dead, your captain is dead, everyone is pretty much dead, the planet is over-run with nasty things that burst out of people and IT IS NOT GOING TO END WELL. Doff your cowboy hat and wish them well and get the hell outta dodge!
- Give yourselves nicknames, call each other by your last names or go by your military ranking. You know who survives? DAVID. Seriously the minute you switch to first names the xenomorphs will lose interest and clear off. So simple, and so many lives could have been saved.
- Trust anyone with an English accent, especially if it is posh. Evidence: 90% of Disney films and anything Charles Dance has starred in. Voldemort. It's not rocket science people! Posh = BADDIE.
- NEVER announce your intention to kill someone with words like 'You realise I can't let you leave.' Especially when that person is clearly a homicidal maniac who has murdered a whole species for fun and is breeding monsters in his basement. JUST KILL HIM. He who hesitates is lost, even if you are a smug git who can regenerate.


Haha. Great post. I have watched the movie and agree with everything you said. Another wrong doing:

- Walking on a strange planet without any helmet or contamination protection. Seriously, they don't even need xeno virus to kill them, they can easily inhale an Ebola mutation and die from diarrhea.
- Yeah, the "it is okay to look at the egg" is the naivest ever.


I would love to see the Alien movie where the entire crew died from diarrhea and the xenos were just standing around shaking their heads going 'idiots'!



Come on Ridley! Get better writers. Seems like you got everything else right. The characters in Alien and Aliens weren't this stupid (even Lambert had her moments)


What's really scary is that these people are off to inhabit a new planet and at least they didn't get there and start breeding! I was reminded of the Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy where they get rid of all the idiots (sales people and managers) and put them on a spaceship telling them they were the 'pioneers' and heaving a sigh of relief after they were gone.


Sounds like a good movie. Hopefully it is a continuation of the story in Prometheus. I really want to know where that black goo came from and how the first xenomorph evolved into the xenomorphs that we see in Aliens.


Spoilers! But to set expectations...[spoiler]... you do find out what happens to Shaw and David but that's it. It doesn't answer any questions about the alien universe. It tries, badly, to touch on those questions of creation and godliness, but it's more of a typical horror movie in space, where you can literally start guessing who is going to die in sequence.[/spoiler]


you do find out what happens to Shaw and David but that's it.

How much of the movie is spent on David and Shaw?


About a quarter/fifth... it's mainly a gore fest. Still worth seeing but you're better off looking on the internet for answers. Some good theories about there, some of it based on conversations with Scott and there's a few 'filler' videos. There's one I watched yesterday of Shaw and David on the engineer's ship before they get to the planet featured in Covenant. If I can dig it out again I'll post it for you.


If I can dig it out again I'll post it for you.

If you could find it, please post it for us. Thanks.


This wasn't the page I was on with all the theories, but I'll see if I can find that again on my history.

In the meantime this link contains the little mini vid of what happens on the engineer's ship with Shaw and David, prior to their arrival on the engineer's planet:


Thanks for that. I watched another YouTube video that discusses a theory about [spoiler]why David killed Shaw and the experiments David was doing on Shaw to created those eggs that grow the face huggers.[/spoiler]

In the beginning of the video, the narrator says that there are massive spoilers and suggests that you should watch Covenant first. Well you have see Covenant so you may not be bothered by what they video discusses. For anyone else reading this, MASSIVE SPOILERS! CLICK AT YOUR OWN DESCRETION!


Spoiler alert.
I haven't seen the movie and may not now because it's so stupid when they kill off survivors of a good film that people cared about just to have a new batch of victims no one cares about get killed off one by one. I really hope, since Shaw looks sick in the video clip,she died (or was mercy killed by David) due to infection. It is just stupid and disrespectful to have her be a naive victim brutalized by David, after having her heroically survive the torment in Prometheus .
