Nothing that they've done has influenced the main characters at all. I get it: They're making a club, they're scared of the Greek guy, black people stole from them. They're storyline so far really isn't so difficult to follow if you have a brain. Sorry if you think characters that are so one dimensional are so integral to the plot. Obviously you're so stupid, you forgot that TV is a visual media, so I can actually watch what's happening without being said, unlike a book. You ever heard of silent films? No? Oh, you probably wouldn't be able to follow them because they move and act, rather than give boring half ass performances. They're connected with the cop that was killed. The two cops have gone into the bar and the black one knows they were in league with each other. Watching them was bringing the show down for me. If fast forwarding improves it and I'm still able to follow what's going on, I don't understand why that's so ludicrous. The show itself isn't that difficult. I remember a scene I fast forwarded where the ex-marine was gypped out of some money. It wasn't so integral to the plot and I'd rather see actors that can act rather than some actors that obviously went to some crappy acting school. So narf, to be so offended with my comment about a pretty mediocre show, are you related to anyone who works on it? Because really, the show is maybe a 5/10 at best, and yet you treat it like "The Wire," or "Breaking Bad," shows I do actually watch all the way through because they're very good.
If at any point I DO say, "I don't understand this" than you can jump down my throat, but get a grip, it's just a tv show...
"Soylent white is semeeeeen!"