I'm guessing you probably fall in the age range of 18-30...and just don't have much patience or attention span. This show really isn't for you at all if that's the case. It's much different in tone, style and approach than what you're used to--and it was a risk by the producers. But it was BY DESIGN. Don't complain about the show as "dull" just because you don't like, don't get or can't sit still long enough for the style and tone in which it was purposely created. Just.....move on.
LWS will appeal to people who can appreciate this very niche style of storytelling. As said before, this is more like film noir...and the story is a slow burn. It slowly unfolds and gets more intense as the season goes on. It's like reading a really gripping book. You have to have the patience for the story to slowly unfold from chapter to chapter. More like a novel....less like the immediate gratification of say, a video game. Remember books?
So if you're used to, or require, a steady dose of action...car chases...shootouts....and a story that gets wrapped-up in a nice little bow at the end of an episode....(like CSI, Law & Order, Criminal Minds, NCIS, etc...), you may need some ritalin to be able to handle LWS. It's a smart, dark, cool show with great production value and a very solid cast of acting talent...in a hauntingly beautiful locale. If you don't get it, don't blame the show. Heck, a lot of people say The Godfather is too slow and dull as well. These are the same folks who line-up to see Fast & Furious 7.
Something tells me the 3-4 complainers who have come on this board just to spend time telling everyone how dull LWS is....are the same folks who stay up late playing Playstation in their parent's basements in their underpants.
LOL, dude it's okay if they complain. I mean I wish it had found more of an audience, but it is what it is. I think the Breaking Bad lead in has been more of its undoing than anything. Those fans are militant and hold it against anything that comes after their show.
I'm guessing you probably fall in the age range of 18-30...and just don't have much patience or attention span. This show really isn't for you at all if that's the case. It's much different in tone, style and approach than what you're used to--and it was a risk by the producers. But it was BY DESIGN. Don't complain about the show as "dull" just because you don't like, don't get or can't sit still long enough for the style and tone in which it was purposely created. Just.....move on.
I'm 43... so I guess that blows up your model huh? I don't find the show dull, however I do find fault with some plot contrivances, pacing and story development. For a show that has been marketed as unconventional it feels conventional in execution in many, many ways. So in that respect THE DESIGN IS FLAWED. I've never complained... in fact I've provided some reasonable points of where the show falls short. I've also pointed out that when a show loses audience and isn't receiving solid critical reception, then there are some serious issues at work which need to be corrected for the show to grow and find a place on TV.
LWS will appeal to people who can appreciate this very niche style of storytelling. As said before, this is more like film noir...and the story is a slow burn. It slowly unfolds and gets more intense as the season goes on. It's like reading a really griping book. You have to have the patience for the story to slowly unfold from chapter to chapter. More like a novel....less like the immediate gratification of say, a video game. Remember books?
Much of serialized TV is like a book. The question is... is the story worth reading/watching? The WIRE, LOST, GAME OF THRONES, BREAKING BAD, HOMELAND, BOARDWALK EMPIRE are all examples of TV that have a strong development and investment into characters, plot and style that keep viewers coming back after each and every episode. LWS has spent it's first 5-6 episodes meandering... putting blocks into place but not building a solid enough foundation. Supporting characters are mere plot conveniences and the narrative remains uneven at best. Also niche style of storytelling indicates a smaller niche audience and that is not what AMC was hoping for when they decided to run LWS after Breaking Bad.... argueably one of the best shows on TV.
So if you're used to, or require, a steady dose of action...car chases...shootouts....and a story that gets wrapped-up in a nice little bow at the end of an episode....(like CSI, Law & Order, Criminal Minds, NCIS, etc...), you may need some ritalin to be able to handle LWS.
You're shooting for the least common denominator. I find it interesting that you referred to many conventional shows on network TV but didn't draw any comparisons to critically acclaimed shows on cable that are full of the buzz LWS lacks. The problem with most viewers is that they aren't comparing this show to Criminal Minds or Cold Case (interesting... Chris Mundy worked on both series) it's that LWS doesn't match the level of entertainment that viewers who regularly watch HBO, Showtime, AMC and FX are accustomed to. Again the show isn't terrible by any means... but when compared with shows like "Homeland" House Of Cards" BE, BrBa, Mad Men... even The Walking Dead... it's challenged capturing those viewers hearts and minds for an hour every Sunday evening.
LWS deserves to be a better show... and it needs to be a better show or it will end up cancelled before it's intended run. Talk to Veerna Suds... David Milch, even Aaron Sorkin. Show developers have at best 5-6 episodes to earn a viewers loyalty. I'm seeing a smidge of improvement over 6 episodes. I find it watchable... but I'm not even close to loving it. And I loved BrBa the moment Walt killed Krazy 8. And that was episode 3.
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Nice insight, wheresgrant. I enjoy reading your posts, and you're certainly not one of the relatively few to whom my post was directed. It was more directed at the mouth-breathers who just come on here to basically say: "Duuude, that was dull! I'm out!" I think those folks simply don't understand that this is not SUPPOSED to be action-packed or exciting. A story is being told...and it just (happens) to be within a cop genre. It could just as easily be a Greek tragedy.
I agree... and for the record you've convinced me of a few valuable things regarding the show. If I'm watching these days it's for Dani. Can we see a spinoff series with her and Frank Agnew as partners. Drop everything else. LOL
For the record those who state "Duuude, that was dull! I'm out!" are the same viewers who discovered Breaking Bad on Netflix just 4 months ago and now claim to be lifetime fans. There are alot of dumb on these message boards. I agree LWS requires more attention than other series... I just think it's misplaced on AMC altogether. This should have ended up on HBO or Showtime. Trying to replicate The Wire with AMC executives at the helm is an impossible feat. Just look at what those bastards have done to The Walking Dead! ;)
Points well taken, wheresgrant. Agreed on the Dani character. I like that they took her character even further in the last episode regarding her one-nighter with Frank. Pretty darned bold--in the Chaldean community for an arabic woman to have a tryst like that with a guy at all, let alone a non-arabic guy! I really like how strong and independent they're making her. She seems to have the most level head on the squad.
Off topic, lookin forward to the return of TWD. Finally, down to less than a month!
Showstoppa....my "theory"....is really just an opinion. No more or less factual than yours. You can state an opinion as if it were law, and the one single truth. But in the end, it's just one dude's opinion. Thanks for sharing yours.