I'm sorry to sound like such a jerk for those of you who like the show. It's not a terrible show, but it's nowhere near as entertaining as The Killing was. Not to mention it's ratings are much worse. So since The Killing gets canceled, then this better as well.
On the other hand, I could see them saying that they'd given The Killing three years to find a bigger audience and it never did. Maybe they'd be more willing to give a new show another season to grow whereas a older show would tend to have more limited growth potential (Breaking Bad being the exception)
Also, Michigan's film incentive program might make it more viable than Oregon's (isn't that where they shot The Killing)?
Actively wishing for a show to get cancelled because its not enjoyable to you personally
Well for one... to make room for better programming. TV shows in regards to ratings and longevity has always been a 'survival of the fittest'. However in this age of 'Golden TV' (starting with The Sopranos) shows can survive with ratings and/or critical acclaim... but they can't survive with0out both. At that point they are sucking air and a time slot better served by a better viewing experience.
Mad Men has never been a ratings hit. It has been a critical darling and it's audience of largely white, affluent viewers bring in big targeted advertisers like Lincoln, Cadillac, Johnny Walker... etc. So it was spared on AMC while other networks would've killed it off. The same with Breaking Bad. It's first seven episode run managed only a 1 million viewers. But there was so much critical buzz around it that AMC saw it's potential. Look at it now, drawing more than 5 million viewers in it's final season. LWS drew only 1.1 million viewers it's last episode (down from 2+ million for the series premiere and an exceptional lead in BB). And it's share of 18-49 year old viewers is just 0.4. Ouch.... at that point who's going to pay to advertise? Michigan Tourism Board. TV is a revenue based business like any other. These show are greenlite to draw viewers and advertisers to a network.
It reminds me of my years playing in bar bands. If a band packs a room they may get re-booked a dozen times. If the band draws no one but entertains the regulars then they may get re-booked at a lower rate. But if the band doesn't draw and turns off the regulars... well the band is cancelled to make room for a better band.
For the record I don't think LWS is a terrible show. It's just deeply flawed and there's no real opportunity to change course now. It's lost not only it's audience but viewers of AMC as well who are turning the channel for other fare. That's the death knell of any show.
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Out of the 89824345 shows on tv in this day an age,
Well out of 89824345... probably 8982425 are complete garbage. But I'll rally behind any show worth supporting if maintains changes the game in scripted programming. LWS is not that fit for me unfortunately. Do I want to see it cancelled?... of course not. Would I like to see it moved to Thursday or Friday night to make room for a better show? Absolutely. Honestly it's a pain to immediately change the channel after Breaking Bad ends only to rush off of my DVR's Boardwalk Empire in time to make Talking Bad in time by 11:01pm. But that is just a personal problem of mine.
I would not want to see LWS cancelled... but it doesn't belong on Sunday night. It's getting killed. When 4 million viewers are changing the channel it has to hurt AMC.
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Honestly it's a pain to immediately change the channel after Breaking Bad ends only to rush off of my DVR's Boardwalk Empire in time to make Talking Bad in time by 11:01pm.
Seriously? "Talking Bad"? A show about a show? Now that's quality programming. Yikes!
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Seriously? "Talking Bad"? A show about a show? Now that's quality programming. Yikes!
Terrible to say... but when a talk show about a show holds your attention better than a snoozer of a cop drama... well what does that say about your cop drama? Oh and BTW... Talking Bad has a little better rating and a larger share than LWS. Ouch... that means people changed the channel and then changed it back to watch the talk show. LOL Any way you break that down it isn't good!
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Well I'm 5 episodes in and my trusty DVR for when I turn the channel. There's not much on Mondays so LWS gets dumped on the first day back to work. No wonder I'm so grumpy over this show. LOL
Good, bad... ugly.... I like discussing it all. Personally when shows 'work' I find them brilliant and when they fail I find them just as fascinating. There's always great lessons to be culled from mediocre writing.
Sort of a tangent....one of the first jobs I had when I moved to Los Angeles was a script reader. People really have no idea how many bad scripts there are out there that never see the light of day.
For all the folks that complain about bad writing in movies/tv this and that....seriously you have no clue. Yes, there are gems that never get made (I read a few), but for the most part what you see is among the best that's out there. Even the "worst written" stuff. LOL
They should move it to Saturday nights behind Hell On Wheels. At least both shows seem to have a level of grit to go along with the story. They might make a nice pairing.
I liked "The Killing" too, but I like this show, too. So I say...renew them both. They could make it work. AMC replays a lot of shows during the week. I do believe they have enough space.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if both this show AND Hell on Wheels are officially canned by the end of October.
With its new original shows 'Halt and Fire', 'Turn', and 'Line of Sight' already in production, and the new Breaking Bad and Walking Dead spin-offs recently announced (I remember hearing too a few months back that Mad Men might get a spin-off as well), it looks to me like AMC will have more than enough to occupy its schedule for the foreseeable future.
I mean, honestly, for Hell on Wheels, the only real reason they kept it afloat this long was because they were still incredibly short on programming and in panic mode.
I can see that, as I took them moving HOW to Saturdays as a way to kill it off. The problem is, it's ratings have held stable. So while it hasn't gained any viewers, it hasn't lost any either.
The bad news for HOW is its ratings are only slightly better than TK. But I still think it's safe for now, and they may even move it to Sundays next year.
That's true. Makes me wonder though - with all these new shows coming in, HOW's massive (by AMC standard) budget, and the only slightly higher ratings than TK - if its really worth keeping around for them.