MovieChat Forums > Low Winter Sun (2013) Discussion > Fans of the show - how much time/effort ...

Fans of the show - how much time/effort should I give to LWS?

Quick question to fans of the show: how much time/effort should I give to LWS before pulling the pin (if I don't decide to keep watching)? I just started the pilot today, and while I'm a huge fan of Mark Strong, I'm not a fan of the negro actor who plays his co-conspirator, and I also find the co-conspirator character to be very annoying and off-putting. But I wouldn't want to skip the show just b/c one of the lead characters is annoying, especially not when I love the other lead! I'd like to like this show and start tuning in regularly, especially since my beloved Breaking Bad is ending (a show of which I've been a fan since day 1, not like all the bandwagon fans who jumped aboard in season 5).


I was a fan right off the bat, so I may not be the best person to ask.


You watched Breaking Bad from the very beginning? Tell us more, grandpa!


I'm not a fan of the negro actor who plays his co-conspirator, and
Get the F off the board, racist!
