Maya... possibly the worst written character on the show.
From the beginning I rejected the 'Lady MacBeth' pairing of Maya and Damon considering her a weak element to the show. I immediately dismissed her as the "Gillian Darmady' stock villianess. As they developed her character further to show her ties with Skeelos and Sean and finally her sister in the suburbs who clearly has made better choices in her life I've begun to realize that maya was probably written from a male writer's perspective, since there isn't one ounce of true feminine DNA in her character. Perhaps I missed some stuff over the course of many episodes and I effectively tuned her out.... however I did not find the character believable nor did I think she added anything to the show except more connections and ties and more dead weight.
If someone loved her... please defend her. I would have loved to have seen her in that motel parking lot lying next to Damon. And I don't see any promise on her return in a future season.