Finally Some Spark.... Ann Arbor
OK LWS... NOW you have my attention. Finally after eight meandering, sloggy episodes. For nearly 45 minutes I felt like I was watching another show. A show LWS could've been... a show LWS should have been! toward the end of the hour I realized why I was so riveted to the screen when in past episodes I'd be looking at my watch 35 minutes in. The answer: Mark Strong... and some really artful direction. His manic breakdown of his psyche (and heart attack) was mind blowing and the gut wrenching scene with his ex-wife was Emmy worthy. Why did it take this long for this show to creep from the bog. Honestly I hoped that Frank put a bullet in his head right there... in the living room. It would have been the perfect ending! Because what came next in 'Surrender' was a return to the same ham fisted delivery of every previous episode.
So Bravo to Ann Arbor which I grade an A+!
Surrender which I'd grade a B
And a C+/-B for the entire first season of Low Winter Sun.... a show with so much potential squandered by meandering subplots, ratty dialog and story delivered at a snails pace. I'd like to see this show return with some major retooling. Honestly I could watch Frank Agnew walk around with a GoPro POV cam for 45 minutes kicking over garbage cans and putting his gun in his mouth. It is far more interesting than Geddes, Maya, the memory of Katia or anything else this show tried to add to create some dynamics. As Breaking Bad proved story is important but delivery is prime. This show has a decent story... it needs to improve it's delivery.
PS... watching Boyd freak out was possibly the best scene in Ep 10. Too bad we didn't get more of David Constable. He brought bright light to very scene he was in.